My Story
If you don’t care about my story, then skip this section.
I discovered mASF when I was 19. I’m 22 now. So it’s been a little over three years for me. At the time, I was a virgin and had never even kissed a girl. I didn’t makeout with my first girl until I was a sophomore in college.
Make a long story short, I lost my virginity at age 20 and it was a HUGE weight that was lifted off of my shoulder.
When I first discovered ASF, I really had no concept of how clueless I actually was when it comes to women. I always considered myself to have a good personality and that I was fun to be around. I’m sure lots of people see themselves this way.
The reality though is that my personality was not very good. Take a look around your reality right now. Got a lot of friends? Got any women in your life? If not, then either your personality isn’t where it should be or you don’t actively try and network well enough.
I was always a negative person, a pessimist. Some of these people consider themselves “realists” but it doesn’t really matter what you call it, because the reality is that if you want to be successful in life and with women, you need to surpress all the urges that you have to be negative or complain about anything. It’s just a fucking downer. Nobody likes being around people like that. If you are one of these people, keep reading.
Ever since I was young, I always thought that I should have been better with women. My personality was a bit above average and my looks are average, yet for some reason I saw guys getting women that I considered less deserving than I was.
What I never realized about myself was that I was a geek. I was just a much cooler geek than most geeks. I used to love to play video games and play with THINGS. I still do these things occassionally, but to be totally honest, they now bore me. The reason is that they are nowhere near as fun as interacting with new people. If you are one of these people, you need to shift your interest from THINGS to PEOPLE.
When you get good with women and people in general, conversations become lots of fun. It can be a real adrenaline rush that cannot be rivaled by any video game.
After I lost my virginity, I went through periods of loving ASF and then convincing myself that ASF was all bullshit. If you are a beginner, resist this temptation. The theories on this website are VERY real. What is making it not work is your EXECUTION of them, NOT the ideas.
The rest of my story is largely unwritten. After losing my virginity, I continued to have sporadic successes with women, but I never wanted to lower my standards because I thought that I deserved better women. If I had lowered my standards years ago, I would have gotten much better much quicker, and I’ll explain why later in this post.
I was hooking up with a few girls a year when I was twenty and twenty one. Certainly nothing to brag about.
When I hit 22, I successfully hooked up with more girls in a year (and still going by the way) then I had for the rest of my entire life. In the last month and a half, I have been with 9 new girls or so. All of a sudden everything has gotten ridiculously easy for me.
Let me explain how I got there and how you can get there as quickly as possible while avoiding all the mistakes that costed me lots of time and frustration.
This process will NOT be easy for most of you! It took me a few years to transform myself from a very large loser into a massive stud. Where it all begins is inner game. Without it, you are GARBAGE at PU, I don’t care what anybody says.
Figure out who you are. And no, I don’t mean thinking abstractly about who you are. Take a look at your life and ask yourself if you are where you want to be, but more importantly if you are GETTING where you want to be (i.e. are you having a string of successes that are slowly leading you to where you ideally want to be?).
Figure out what kind of person you are. Are you a geek? Be honest with yourself. Get feedback from the people in your life. Find out WHY people are friends with you. If they are friends with you, there must be some value that you provide to them.
Be willing to accept the fact that you might only be their friend because they are DESPERATE for friends. It’s a reality that you need to be aware of.
Once you have roughly figured out who you are and what value you provide to people, you are ready for step #2.
Figure out what kind of value you WANT to provide to people (and also what kind of value you NEED to provide to some people). This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. All you need to PU some girls is to have a high SEXUAL value to her. You need to be a man that turns her on and leads her to a place where the two of you can have sex.
Of course not all girls are like this. Some require more than just a high sexual value.
Think about what kind of value you would need to provide to guys to make them want to be your friend.
Some examples:
If you want to be friends with a depressed person (you shouldn’t want this btw), then the value you need to provide to them is to be non-judgemental and understanding. You need to listen to their problems. Being able to cheer them up would help too.
If you want to be friends with AFC’s, then you could provide social value and opportunities for them to get laid. You could invite them to parties that you host and invite them to your female friends.
If you want to be friends with HIGH VALUE people like PUA’s and quality women, then you typically need to be high value enough yourself that they can respect you. If you find a nice PUA who likes your attitude and doesn’t mind having an apprentice, then you might get lucky and get to hang out with him.
The bottom line is that you need to figure out what type of value that you need to provide for people, and then actively work on developing that part of your personality until you are a person that naturally radiates those qualities.
Read that last sentence again.
How to accomplish this is what the rest of this post is all about.
NO NEGATIVITY, EVER AGAIN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.Negativity has a way of poisoning the way you THINK. It’s roots travel directly into your brain. If you think ANYTHING negative throughout the course of the day, then you are not yet where you need to be to be a successful PUA.
Most people do not think that they are negative people. It has become such a large part of who they are that they literally don’t even NOTICE that they are being negative.
Here is how I want you to eliminate negativity in your life:
Carry a small notepad around with you everywhere you go. Anytime you have ANY type of negative thought, write it down.
THEN, think of a way that you can mentally re-frame this thought into a positive or atleast a neutral thought.
Some examples of little annoyances that can piss people off and fuck your state up:
Problem: You drive up to the gas station, get out of the car, try and pump your gas and realize that the pump isn’t working.
Solution: Resist all temptation to get aggravated and drive up to the next pump.
Problem: The cashier at the supermarket is slow as hell and is taking forever.
Solution: Go in someone else’s line or just suck it up. DON’T start thinking negatively. Think about something else, start chatting to the person next to you, or do something to take your mind off of it.And there are tons of other examples. But my point is that you don’t need to be unrealistic on HOW you reframe problems. You don’t even HAVE to reframe them into something positive. Notice in the above examples, I didn’t reframe anything, I just simply avoided the problem, because it is something that is MENIAL….and therefore, NOT WORTH MY EFFORT to get pissed off about.
AVOID NEGATIVE LANGUAGELanguage is a very powerful thing. Notice how I talked about “problems” in the last section. That is an example of negative language. The very existence of the word suggests that something is wrong with the situation.
Avoid using language like this. Every problem in life is actually an OPPORTUNITY in disguise.
There are many subsets of this, but consider it from the mind of an entrepreneur. He goes to a bathroom and is disgusted at all the piss all over the seat. Now most people would just get pissed off about it and then that would be the last that they think about it.
But he views problems as opportunities, so he decides that he will invent a toilet seat that cleans itself off every time after the toilet seat flushes.
See the difference in thinking?
One guy gets pissed off about a situation, and the other guy views it as an opportunity to challenge himself and to make money.
There are countless examples like this. I try to explain this to so many people, and there is always some bullshit example of why they don’t want to buy into it. Don’t be one of these people. Winners don’t get pissed off about menial shit.
Winners capitalize on EVERYTHING that happens in life. EVERYTHING is an opportunity.
Thinking in this manner automatically reframes any potential problems into opportunities.
Another example related to PU:
A woman shit-tests you by saying something like “You’re too short for me” or some stupid bullshit. I swear I am invisible to these types of statements nowadays. Shit tests are literally not a problem for me anymore.
Some guys are puzzled by how to respond to this. A LOSER would say that this is a problem – he is too short for her, it is over…NEXT. Wrong way to think about it buddy.
A WINNER would think “this is an opportunity to knock her socks off” and would say “How tall are you? You’re 5’7? Yeah, your WAYYYYY too tall for me, things would clearly never work out between us.” And then he would create some purely fabricated bullshit right on the spot about why it would never work out, and GO IN DETAIL ABOUT IT….something like “I don’t date women that are over 5’6, because the only way we can dance eye to eye is on stairs. And I am sick of dancing on stairs because my legs really hurt a lot.”
That isn’t even that funny, and I just came up with it now. But a woman would find it hilarious. Why? Because she is impressed that you are not FUMBLED by her testing you. You act like you could care less what she thinks about you, and then you even go so far as saying that she doesn’t fit YOUR qualifications! How many guys do you think regularly do this to her? Not many.
Learning how to properly deal with shit-tests is remarkably easy once you get it.
One more example from last night:
I was hanging out with some friends and my female friend said to this guy that I barely knew
“Where have you been? We’ve been looking all over for you?”
The guy got all defensive and looked like an idiot in front of like 10 people. He even blamed her for them not being able to find him. This is BAD BAD BAD…don’t do it.
If she said that to me I would have said to her
“You know what dear? To be totally honest, I was just sick and tired of you chasing me around like a puppy dog and spanking my ass in front of all these people. I mean we hardly even KNOW these people and you’re parading my ass around like it is some kind of trophy”
I just came up with that now as I typed it. But that is super $. It is also completely fabricated. NONE of those things happened, and she KNOWS this, but look between the lines, do you see how I turned a problem into an opportunity to enhance her attraction level for me?
Remember guys, there are NO problems…only opportunities!
THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN….LIKE, A REAL LOT OF FUN!Juggler once said something great. He said, assume that sex is a given with a woman. Now how would you want your interaction with her to be? He said that he would want it to be fun, exciting, etc.
If you asked that question to other people, do you think ANYBODY would say to you:
“I would want to debate about conspiracy theories, religion, or politics” (read: NEVER talk about any of these things)
“I would want to listen to someone complain about their job, friends, or relationship”
“I would want to talk about boring, uninteresting things like the weather.”
So make a promise to yourself that you will stop taking things so seriously with women. This should be fun guys, not nerve wracking. Women are ENTERTAINMENT. Some might consider that harsh, but it is a great re-frame that will have you less concerned with the results.
If you discovered ASF and have no friends and are looking for women to fill that void in your life, you will be VERY sorry, my friend! I made this mistake and as a result I cared way too much about things like stupid girls flaking on me.
Now, if they flake on me, I have many other activities that I can do. Which takes me to the next rule….
Rule #4
HAVE A LARGE SUPPORT GROUPAnd by this, I don’t mean have a lot of people that listen to your problems or tell you that you’re doing well or whatever. I simply mean, have a lot of friends that you can hang out with to get your mind off women.
This solves so many problems at one time, yet it eludes some guys way of thinking. But the more friends you have, the more opportunities you have to go out and have a good time. And the more opportunities you have to go out, the more chances you have to meet women.
You should have many different people that you can go out with and just have a good time. This makes you care A LOT LESS about what women think of you, which ones don’t return your phone calls, etc.
The worst thing anybody can do is sit in the house alone. To get good at the game, you have to talk to people everywhere, and you have to enjoy doing it. If you are an introverted person, you need to literally reprogram yourself. Do that by putting yourself in an environment where you are continually challenging yourself to be an interesting conversationalist.
Start making more of an effort to hang out with new people. If you meet someone, exchange contact info with them and say that you should hang out. Make it nonchalant and not a big deal.
Rule #5
YOU CANNOT CARE WHAT WOMEN THINK OF YOUThis is a very important rule, because the only way you will get anywhere with women is if you don’t care about the results. Become outcome independent. If things don’t happen with a particular women, it’s OK, cause atleast you got some of your buddies to hang out with at the bar, and surely there will be more women there that you can impress with your incredible personality.
If you need to be reminded, the easiest way to accomplish this feeling of outcome-independence is twofold. The ideal situation is to be able to pick up women anywhere, and to have other women that you are already hooking up with.
If you aren’t there yet, then have many different friends that you can hang out with and meet new people through. These two things take your mind off of “that one girl” an incredible amount.
Rule #6
NEVER REACT EMOTIONALLY TO ANYTHING THAT ANYONE TOSSES AT YOUI can pick an insecure person out of a line of people, out of a bar, or any social situation. It’s really not that hard. Wanna know my secret?
The first dead giveaway is if they look uncomfortable where they are. But secondly, and more importantly, if they are PISSED OFF at anyone or anything, then they are IMMEDIATELY low status in my book.
High status people don’t react emotionally to problems, cause problems are actually opportunities, remember?
High status people don’t get irritated when clueless, idiotic, insecure morons take shots at their character by saying things like “You’re an asshole.”
You know why? Because anybody that would say this to anybody else is automatically LOW STATUS themselves, and therefore SOCIALLY INEPT!
Why do you care what opinion a low status person has of you? By definition, their opinion DOESN’T MATTER. It’s USELESS!
Taking a comment like “you’re an asshole” to heart from a low status person is giving them WAY too much credit for actually being able to correctly assess your behavior. And in reality, these people are scared and clueless themselves. They might have thought you were insulting them, so they felt that they needed to “get back at you” (ANOTHER low status behavior btw) by insulting you.
You know what I do to retarded things like this? Shrug and maybe laugh condescendingly. Cause they don’t deserve me to *actually* re-consider how I present myself to people. That would be giving them WAY too much credit.
Guys, this comes down to credibility. Would you take a homeless man’s opinion on how to become rich? Even if he has a way with words? I mean c’mon, the guy is fucking HOMELESS.
So WHY IN GOD’S NAME are you gonna get all worked up about what some IDIOT thinks about you?
If she snubs you, you could either laugh condescendingly at her, or just politely say “nice meeting you” (I usually do this).
It is literally HER LOSS GUYS. I can’t emphasize this enough. Re-read that again. It is HER LOSS.
If you don’t believe that yet, then you have a lot of work to do. Even if you don’t believe it, that is the attitude you need to go into an approach with. You are a cool guy, and you want to fuck that girl, but you could literally take it or leave it, cause you KNOW you’re the bomb and tons of other quality women will want you anyways.
You cannot react emotionally AT ALL, to ANYTHING a woman says or does! Doing so demonstrates that you actually CARE what she thinks of you….or in other words, your reality is NOT strong.
Your reality is in fact so weak that it can be shaken by what some random women thinks upon meeting you in the first 3 seconds.
Think about that. Is your reality that weak that it can be shattered by someone you DON’T EVEN KNOW? If this is the case, stop it now!
Don’t fucking do it guys. I fucked my progress up HARDCORE for a LONG time because I cared about opinions from idiots.
Opinions from people can be helpful, but ONLY from high status people. It takes a while to be able to figure out who these people are and if you should consider their advice or not.
Rule #7
ELIMINATE ALL SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT THAT YOU HAVEYou don’t DESERVE the hottest chicks, you gotta EARN them.
Stop getting pissed off at the huge dumb buff guys that have the hotties. Turn it into an opportunity or a learning experience. Ask yourself “what does this guy provide to her that she finds attractive?”
Maybe his muscles make her feel secure. Maybe she likes being dominated in bed. How can you use this knowledge to modify your approach to specifically target HER NEEDS?
I used to feel like I was entitled to getting the hottest girls in the world, but in reality, I wasn’t. Sadly, even if I could have gotten them (like if I had 3 wishes from a genie or something), then I still wouldn’t have been able to keep them because my reality was so weak.
Eventually they would have discovered this and left me.
All you are doing when you feel like you deserve something is mindfucking yourself into a situation where what you can ACTUALLY attain and what you THINK you should attain don’t match up.
Maybe you can regularly get 5’s but you think you deserve 10’s. As a result, you will NEVER be satisfied with your results.
Avoid this trap. Have very little expectation of yourself. Your only expectation is that you should be gradually IMPROVING over time. That is the only finite goal that you should have.
Rule #8
LOWER YOUR STANDARDSIf you are reading this post, then it’s probably because you AREN’T fucking a lot of women, you DON’T have a strong reality, and you are NOT satisfied with where you are in life.
Don’t fret, and surely don’t get pissed off about it. This is an opportunity for you, remember?
Lowering your standards is a very important rule. Why?
Because our own level of confidence, no matter how much we like to convince ourselves otherwise, IS BASED ON OUR SUCCESS LEVEL.
Do you think I would have ever written this post if I hadn’t hooked up with 9 girls in the past month and a half? Probably not. Why? Cause my reality probably wouldn’t have been strong enough to convince myself that I am knowledgeable enough to actually HELP other people by giving my advice to them.
Success with women is no different than anything else. When you first enter the batting cages, you start at the slow pitch machine until you can consistently hit the ball and until you are no longer worried about getting hit by the ball.
Then you slowly work your way up in the levels.
Likewise, if you are not hooking up with chicks consistently because you are holding off for more “quality” girls, then you are actually fucking over your confidence level.
Confidence is built by repeated success and belief that what you are doing is working. But in PU, the only way that you know what you are doing is working is if you HAVE SUCCESS! I’m talking atleast a makeout.
You can’t walk away from a girl that you didn’t atleast kiss and say something stupid like “she was attracted.” Cause you don’t actually KNOW that for a fact. So stop coming to bullshit conclusions.
The purpose of lowering your standards is that it is the greatest confidence booster that I know of. It is what turned me into the sex machine that I am in the past few months.
Rule #9
STOP COMING TO BULLSHIT CONCLUSIONSAvoid the temptation to conclude things when you don’t have enough evidence to do so. Avoid re-tooling your game when you get ONE bad reaction from a girl. Don’t convince yourself that cocky & funny doesn’t work cause 7 girls at a bar didn’t like you because of it.
These things WORK people. I know, I’ve done all of it. Your APPLICATION of it is what is not working. Don’t waste your time coming to bullshit conclusions about anything.
Find a guy that you like and model your style after his. Either in real life or off this website. For beginner’s, maniac’s no nonsense guide is GREAT for fundamentals.
Point is, find a style that is congruent with your personality and go with it. And FORGET about results for a LONG time.
Before you can really conclude anything about your abilities, you need a large sample size. Think about it. Does a scientist do ONE experiment and then write a theory? Nope. So why do the KJ’s do this?
Cause they are hopelessly lost. Get out in the field and forget about the results. And when the results don’t come, DON’T change your game unless you have compelling evidence to do so. Follow a method until it works for you.
I’m gonna say it again cause it’s important. Stop reading about all different types of styles until you are regularly getting consistently laid by women.
One more piece of advice, consider CREDIBILITY when you are clueless on a topic. If you are reading all different posts on mASF, then you will surely get lost. What I do instead is only read posts by posters that I KNOW know what they are talking about.
Recognize that it is impossible to figure out who is credible and who isn’t unless you know something about the topic. Take a piece of advice from me, here are some of the best posters on this website off the top of my head:
Razorjack, Zarathustra_fi, TylerDurden, Dimitri, Woodhaven, PlayerSupreme, Sandworm, Ijjji, Jlaix, Juggler, TokyoPUA, Neo-Rio.
There are many more as well. But why would you read anything that is from someone whose credibility is questionable? If you’re doing it, cut it out. Read the archives first.
Re-read this guide as many times as you need to and implement all of these things into your life until they are a part of who you are.
Hopefully this was atleast a little bit motivational. It won’t be an easy journey, but your life is going to be incredible when it happens.
I’m 22 years old, and woman are literally NO obstacle to me whatsoever anymore. I’ve never taken a workshop and never met anybody from this website.
It can happen for you. Just think about practical ways that you can develop the above rules into becoming a part of your personality.
This is the "method" or "how-to" that I think many people are looking for. While this guide doesn't necessarily provide this for you, it does point out what you need to do and what you need to avoid, and until you can do that, you have no business even reading a "how-to" guide.
Also, the "how-to" is pretty arbitrary. There are many different ways to work on these things that I am talking about. If you really have no idea, then ask and maybe I can come up with something.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Kick-ass post on inner-game
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I am going to improve my life in every single point possible, and if this means sarging 4 days a week 4 hours a night for 2 years THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO DO. I WILL GET HER BACK.
FR de Alessandro aka MR. Testicules aka LE ONS MASTAH PLAYA
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topic: FR++: Joy of Gaming. (1 of 15)
board: Field Reports
from: Alessandro / profile / recent posts by Alessandro
(first login: November, 30, 2001 05:27 PM)
date: Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:20 PM
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I fucking love bars. I love the sleazy drunk bitches that guys HAUNT
throughout the night. I like the dynamics, the cheap transparent
attempts at putting down other guys. I FUCKING LOVE winning bitches;
it's not about her, it's about me being better than every other drunk in
the house.
Last night I did so many sets, I was fucking high on my own achievement.
There was a point in time when I saw my perfect image in the glowing
dark reflection of my Black Russian, just when all the ice melted. It
was love at first sight; I thought what I saw was the most beautiful
thing ever. A Pimp Named Slick Back, you say the whole thing, like Tribe
Called Quest!
Where do I begin, where do I begin? So I ditched the girlfriend and told
her to stay home. It's fun loving you hun, but sometimes I gotta do what
I do best, crash and burning. I was also supposed to meet up with some
ASFer dude, fuck him, I SMSed him and I don't think his land-line does
I hit the bar and kick the shit with the bartender. I am celebrating
three years of frequenting this same bar, and pulling nearly ten chicks
from the middle floor alone.
While I am drinking, this HOTTIE comes to talk to the bartender, I steal
her from him:
Me: Hi :-)
Me: this might be a little offensive (just to get her attention)
Me: but I wanna play a game with you
Me: I am gonna tell you name of a person
Me: and you say "Yes" if you look like her, or "No" if you don't
Her: Ok :-)
Me: a younger, but more naive Jennifer Aniston
Her: I can go for that, yeah!
Me: wow, you didn't like that, should I have said Gweneth Paltrow?
Her: no, I like Jennifer better
Me: fuck Hollywood, wouldn't you say Broadway is better
BOOM! Attraction is on. She turns around to face me fully. I go on for
more attraction and some rapport:
Me: it's hard to judge by looks alone
Me: tell me three things about you that are not considered cool or great
Me: a flaw, a weakness, a phobia, a guilty pleasure
GAME GAME GAME. This girl was nearly bagged. She consciously stops
herself "OMG, I didn't even come to have a conversation, but time just
flies, I never thought I would open up to someone like this" ... awkward
moment, she leans in to kiss me, I take her arm and twirl her around (I
am still sitting) I slap her ass, give her a hug and tell her "we can't
kiss yet, we're still in friendship mode" I was afraid she might kiss me
and never return, like happened so many times after quick sparks of
BAD MOVE! That girl was quickly taken by some genuinely good guy. Man, I
love her tastes in men, he was the only decent Good Guy, she really
didn't go for a player I could cockblock later. I went to her set and
she introduced me to him. Funny how she hugs me but stands at a distance
from him. But she likes him more, and I can tell. I leave them alone
because they looked so cute together, and I would've been a dick if I
attempted to cockblock a really good guy (he was warm toward me and he
looked cultured; OOPS! I am DDB for a dude!)
So I crack my fingers and get myself back into action. What follows was
a night of SUPERIOR GAME. I opened about twenty bitches, and every last
fucking one of them opened perfect and I got tons of attraction.
First girl; Chubby goth chick who turns out to be gay:
Me: hey, I dig your style, the only person with a taste in here
Her: *flattered*
Me: I myself am going for the Miami Vice look
Me: which one is better this .. or this (fashion advice)
Me: can you tell allot about the person just by the way they dress?
For a moment there her attraction sparks and she wants to have this
conversation, but she says something something and it starts to click in
my head that the "goth" chick is a actually a butch lesbian and her
table of girlfriends is having a private night :-P NEXT!
I see Spanish guys haunting two easy white bitches. One of the bitches
is having her 23rd birthday. The guys are committing PU crimes left and
right; leaning in, giving her a massage, buying her flowers, etc. I go
up to them and over hear her saying shit like "I am a country girl, I
grew up with horses, I still carry with me my southern hospitality and
This is AWESOME. I listen some more and one of the spanish guys is
saying "yeah, I have been to south carolina, great friendly people" ..
HAHA, I was like no shit, you fucktards. I turn around to them and like
a fucking megaphone on ant colony, start yelling at them:
Me: hey small town-girl, watch your ass around here
Me: we don't value hospitality here, HAHA
Me: I shouldn't be even talking to you, you don't have what it takes
Me: You don't have that UMPFFFF, the pizazz, the spark that girls have
Me: you're too submissive and friendly, I would walk all over you
Me: and you can't stop me :-D
Oh shit did she bite, BOY did she bite! She shoved and pushed her way
through five guys and came after me. It was the most satisfying session
of "putting the bitch in her place" I have ever had. I ask "what can you
do different than all girls to impress me?" she says "I would slap you",
so I go first and slap her in the face, she hits me back and punches me.
ALL spanish guys are like WTF? her girlfriend was like OH SHIT! This
girl was wearing a short skirt, knee high furry boots (the newer ones)
and had thick thighs just made for ridding.
Her girlfriend comes up to me and wants to start shit, AFTER I made
friends with the birthday girl She wants to go through the same process.
But the friend is hostile and not flirting, she is the drag away girl.
She makes fun of my clothes, which she can't fucking touch, because I
was looking so fly and so money anyway. So I tell her to fuck off
because I didn't like her. I told her "I don't wanna slap you cuz you
might be pregnant", she was a chubby chick and her confidence just
fucking sinks. I am bad ^_^
While I was swimming in self congratulation, I look behind them and
there are two white guys by themselves, holding coats and flowers. OW
SHIT! their boyfriends HAHAHAHA.
I see a girl with four guys. No kidding. Four wannabe rocker guys, all
in black t-shirts, messy hair, studded belts and arm bands, the works.
Me: hey, this girl is working four guys
Me: you're a pimp man
Me: high five
Me: so do you slap these hoes? how do you put them in their place?
Me: my grama was a total pimp, she would get anger fits and go karate on
Me: this girl is gonna be AWESOME when she gets old
Me: like the best gramma EVER!
Me: [taking her hand] show me your knuckles ..
Yet another awesome set with passive submissive guys. ONLY if I stopped
being such a narcissist and actually tried to pull bitches.
I spot a guy on a date with a girl:
Me: WOW, you guys have the best chemistry anywhere
Me: I can feel the electric charges
Me: did you guys meet on Craigslist?
They laugh
Me: oh wait, I bet you met on
Me: did you answer the sixty "Compatibility Questions"?
Me: I was drinking at home one day and decided to go on eHarmony
Me: I took some pictures of me doing Arnold moves [flex muscle]
They were in fucking stitches. Making people laugh is such a great
feeling. I was like "you guys are awesome, I better go bother someone else."
I see a mixed set, three guys, two girls, one of the girls disinterested:
Me: hey guys, ever feel like a million bucks?
More DDB from people, damn I am on a roll.
Me: [pointing at disinterested girl]
Me: hey, watch out for her!
Me: ever watch the discovery channel?
Me: she is the curious buffalo that gets eaten every time
Me: ever see that?
Me: there is one buffalo who feels like letting his free spirit roam
Me: you see him running to the hills, smelling flowers and chasing
Me: before you know it, BAM!
More laughter.
More people pass-by and I go completely nuts:
Me: You, what's your sign, NEXT, you there, what's your name, NEXT
Me: and you, and you and you and you
Me: speed dating meets ADD, what can I say, high speed romance!
Me: I can make love to you all night long, hey look, PIZZA!
Man, I reached a level of game high so fucking acute even I had to break
under its pressure. It's that level between god and titan, so powerful
yet so radical. Bad and Good meet and mesh together to make me one loud,
annoying, AWESOME entity. Material just pumps itself from the great
never ending keg of material. Game spews itself from the game-jar; it
literally jumps out on its own, forms a line on the table, does a little
line dance like the M&M characters, then it explodes in the face of
everyone around like little grenades of shit. Whipe your face honey, I
am doing mixed sets tonight.
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, can't wait to do it all over again.
As always, fuck the man, fuck the system, fuck the weak, fuck the normal
and power to the people. Later Merry Fucking Chirstmas to my rastafari
brothers; jah loves you and you are his child, in his image and desciple
of the great Selassie the mesiah. Peace out to all my niggaz; rp_5150,
goose_, ultra_k00k_4u, ankh-fo-shi-zle, jlaix, PlayerSupreme, my nigga
Mike Coolie (Light up a fat one for this one) THUG LIFE!
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topic: FR++: Joy of Gaming. (1 of 15)
board: Field Reports
from: Alessandro / profile / recent posts by Alessandro
(first login: November, 30, 2001 05:27 PM)
date: Thursday, January 12, 2006 12:20 PM
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I fucking love bars. I love the sleazy drunk bitches that guys HAUNT
throughout the night. I like the dynamics, the cheap transparent
attempts at putting down other guys. I FUCKING LOVE winning bitches;
it's not about her, it's about me being better than every other drunk in
the house.
Last night I did so many sets, I was fucking high on my own achievement.
There was a point in time when I saw my perfect image in the glowing
dark reflection of my Black Russian, just when all the ice melted. It
was love at first sight; I thought what I saw was the most beautiful
thing ever. A Pimp Named Slick Back, you say the whole thing, like Tribe
Called Quest!
Where do I begin, where do I begin? So I ditched the girlfriend and told
her to stay home. It's fun loving you hun, but sometimes I gotta do what
I do best, crash and burning. I was also supposed to meet up with some
ASFer dude, fuck him, I SMSed him and I don't think his land-line does
I hit the bar and kick the shit with the bartender. I am celebrating
three years of frequenting this same bar, and pulling nearly ten chicks
from the middle floor alone.
While I am drinking, this HOTTIE comes to talk to the bartender, I steal
her from him:
Me: Hi :-)
Me: this might be a little offensive (just to get her attention)
Me: but I wanna play a game with you
Me: I am gonna tell you name of a person
Me: and you say "Yes" if you look like her, or "No" if you don't
Her: Ok :-)
Me: a younger, but more naive Jennifer Aniston
Her: I can go for that, yeah!
Me: wow, you didn't like that, should I have said Gweneth Paltrow?
Her: no, I like Jennifer better
Me: fuck Hollywood, wouldn't you say Broadway is better
BOOM! Attraction is on. She turns around to face me fully. I go on for
more attraction and some rapport:
Me: it's hard to judge by looks alone
Me: tell me three things about you that are not considered cool or great
Me: a flaw, a weakness, a phobia, a guilty pleasure
GAME GAME GAME. This girl was nearly bagged. She consciously stops
herself "OMG, I didn't even come to have a conversation, but time just
flies, I never thought I would open up to someone like this" ... awkward
moment, she leans in to kiss me, I take her arm and twirl her around (I
am still sitting) I slap her ass, give her a hug and tell her "we can't
kiss yet, we're still in friendship mode" I was afraid she might kiss me
and never return, like happened so many times after quick sparks of
BAD MOVE! That girl was quickly taken by some genuinely good guy. Man, I
love her tastes in men, he was the only decent Good Guy, she really
didn't go for a player I could cockblock later. I went to her set and
she introduced me to him. Funny how she hugs me but stands at a distance
from him. But she likes him more, and I can tell. I leave them alone
because they looked so cute together, and I would've been a dick if I
attempted to cockblock a really good guy (he was warm toward me and he
looked cultured; OOPS! I am DDB for a dude!)
So I crack my fingers and get myself back into action. What follows was
a night of SUPERIOR GAME. I opened about twenty bitches, and every last
fucking one of them opened perfect and I got tons of attraction.
First girl; Chubby goth chick who turns out to be gay:
Me: hey, I dig your style, the only person with a taste in here
Her: *flattered*
Me: I myself am going for the Miami Vice look
Me: which one is better this .. or this (fashion advice)
Me: can you tell allot about the person just by the way they dress?
For a moment there her attraction sparks and she wants to have this
conversation, but she says something something and it starts to click in
my head that the "goth" chick is a actually a butch lesbian and her
table of girlfriends is having a private night :-P NEXT!
I see Spanish guys haunting two easy white bitches. One of the bitches
is having her 23rd birthday. The guys are committing PU crimes left and
right; leaning in, giving her a massage, buying her flowers, etc. I go
up to them and over hear her saying shit like "I am a country girl, I
grew up with horses, I still carry with me my southern hospitality and
This is AWESOME. I listen some more and one of the spanish guys is
saying "yeah, I have been to south carolina, great friendly people" ..
HAHA, I was like no shit, you fucktards. I turn around to them and like
a fucking megaphone on ant colony, start yelling at them:
Me: hey small town-girl, watch your ass around here
Me: we don't value hospitality here, HAHA
Me: I shouldn't be even talking to you, you don't have what it takes
Me: You don't have that UMPFFFF, the pizazz, the spark that girls have
Me: you're too submissive and friendly, I would walk all over you
Me: and you can't stop me :-D
Oh shit did she bite, BOY did she bite! She shoved and pushed her way
through five guys and came after me. It was the most satisfying session
of "putting the bitch in her place" I have ever had. I ask "what can you
do different than all girls to impress me?" she says "I would slap you",
so I go first and slap her in the face, she hits me back and punches me.
ALL spanish guys are like WTF? her girlfriend was like OH SHIT! This
girl was wearing a short skirt, knee high furry boots (the newer ones)
and had thick thighs just made for ridding.
Her girlfriend comes up to me and wants to start shit, AFTER I made
friends with the birthday girl She wants to go through the same process.
But the friend is hostile and not flirting, she is the drag away girl.
She makes fun of my clothes, which she can't fucking touch, because I
was looking so fly and so money anyway. So I tell her to fuck off
because I didn't like her. I told her "I don't wanna slap you cuz you
might be pregnant", she was a chubby chick and her confidence just
fucking sinks. I am bad ^_^
While I was swimming in self congratulation, I look behind them and
there are two white guys by themselves, holding coats and flowers. OW
SHIT! their boyfriends HAHAHAHA.
I see a girl with four guys. No kidding. Four wannabe rocker guys, all
in black t-shirts, messy hair, studded belts and arm bands, the works.
Me: hey, this girl is working four guys
Me: you're a pimp man
Me: high five
Me: so do you slap these hoes? how do you put them in their place?
Me: my grama was a total pimp, she would get anger fits and go karate on
Me: this girl is gonna be AWESOME when she gets old
Me: like the best gramma EVER!
Me: [taking her hand] show me your knuckles ..
Yet another awesome set with passive submissive guys. ONLY if I stopped
being such a narcissist and actually tried to pull bitches.
I spot a guy on a date with a girl:
Me: WOW, you guys have the best chemistry anywhere
Me: I can feel the electric charges
Me: did you guys meet on Craigslist?
They laugh
Me: oh wait, I bet you met on
Me: did you answer the sixty "Compatibility Questions"?
Me: I was drinking at home one day and decided to go on eHarmony
Me: I took some pictures of me doing Arnold moves [flex muscle]
They were in fucking stitches. Making people laugh is such a great
feeling. I was like "you guys are awesome, I better go bother someone else."
I see a mixed set, three guys, two girls, one of the girls disinterested:
Me: hey guys, ever feel like a million bucks?
More DDB from people, damn I am on a roll.
Me: [pointing at disinterested girl]
Me: hey, watch out for her!
Me: ever watch the discovery channel?
Me: she is the curious buffalo that gets eaten every time
Me: ever see that?
Me: there is one buffalo who feels like letting his free spirit roam
Me: you see him running to the hills, smelling flowers and chasing
Me: before you know it, BAM!
More laughter.
More people pass-by and I go completely nuts:
Me: You, what's your sign, NEXT, you there, what's your name, NEXT
Me: and you, and you and you and you
Me: speed dating meets ADD, what can I say, high speed romance!
Me: I can make love to you all night long, hey look, PIZZA!
Man, I reached a level of game high so fucking acute even I had to break
under its pressure. It's that level between god and titan, so powerful
yet so radical. Bad and Good meet and mesh together to make me one loud,
annoying, AWESOME entity. Material just pumps itself from the great
never ending keg of material. Game spews itself from the game-jar; it
literally jumps out on its own, forms a line on the table, does a little
line dance like the M&M characters, then it explodes in the face of
everyone around like little grenades of shit. Whipe your face honey, I
am doing mixed sets tonight.
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, can't wait to do it all over again.
As always, fuck the man, fuck the system, fuck the weak, fuck the normal
and power to the people. Later Merry Fucking Chirstmas to my rastafari
brothers; jah loves you and you are his child, in his image and desciple
of the great Selassie the mesiah. Peace out to all my niggaz; rp_5150,
goose_, ultra_k00k_4u, ankh-fo-shi-zle, jlaix, PlayerSupreme, my nigga
Mike Coolie (Light up a fat one for this one) THUG LIFE!
Continue C&F while in rapport? (RSD, Jlaix)
hey, i'm a recent rsd alum and i have a question about the emotional connection. Well, first off let me say that i really have learned alot from you guys already. I've been getting a lot better at opening sets and moving into deep and wide rapport. But i think i've been slipping on the connection part.
I know that all this stuff can happen at the same time, but when you move a little further along i mean you've been talking for a while and things are going on and your into the deep and wide rapport, is it good to keep on teasing a women. Busting her balls while your trying for the connection.
Any advice about what kinds of things, guidelines or rules of thumbs would be awesome.
>>>>>> MY REPLY:
Okay, I like this. This is a somewhat advanced question, so I'll break it down in very simple, easy-to-understand terminology.
First of all, congratulations on the progress. The fact that you're consistently getting past the approach and attraction phases of the pickup says a lot. It says you've kept up your skills after the bootcamp, and you should give yourself a pat on the back right now for that.
All right, enough wanking. Let's address the question.
There's a couple things you want to keep in mind when you're into the rapport phase of an interaction.
First of all, should you keep teasing her or not?
Frequently, I'll be talking to a girl, and she gives me the necessary indicators of interest, i.e. asking me personal questions, touching me, etc., and I'll move her into isolation.
Then I'll start slowing things down, getting more personal, and dropping a lot of the wacky, over-the-top fun attraction stuff.
So it's going well, and all of a sudden, BOOM, she starts in on me again with some kind of tease.
Now, when you're in the attraction phase, the correct response is, of course, to bust her right back in a funny way that shows you're in control of yourself and you're a money, witty guy. In fact, if you DON'T respond in this manner, it's likely you'll get blown out of the group.
However, once you're in the rapport phase, if you respond in this way, you're essentially going backwards in the pickup on her schedule.
When you do this, what you're essentially doing is QUALIFYING YOURSELF. In other words, you're showing her that you're coming from a place of lower value, because you're capitulating to her frame in order to placate her.
Make sense?
So, what's the correct way to respond when the girl tests or teases you during the connection phase?
Well, I'm glad you asked. It's quite simple actually. What I'll do is act like I'm sad she busted on me. I'll make a sad face, and say something along the lines of, "Don't be mean to me...
I thought we were past all that ball-busting stuff. Can we play nice? I will if you do..." and then I'll stick out my pinky for her to "pinky swear" on it.
This is the perfect way to keep the frame and maintain the trust and comfort levels you've worked so hard to build. Don't blow it by going BACKWARDS for no reason!
Now, there is one other thing to keep in mind here, and it goes back to something else that you said.
You know that the structure of a pickup isn't strictly linear, and in fact the different phases do have a tendency to sort of "meld together," like a recipe. Add some rapport, sprinkle some attraction, etc.
What that means is that you want to monitor the level of attraction at all times, even when in the rapport phase.
Because what's going to happen once you make the transition is, you'll notice the energy dies down somewhat.
If you let it die down TOO much, she'll lose interest entirely and it's quite possible that you'll lose the girl.
So, what you want to do is occassionally SPRINKLE in little bits of attraction material, i.e. the teases and so forth, whenever you sense that the energy level is getting too low.
This is a concept known as "fractionation," and just like anything in this game, it takes a little bit of practice until you can calibrate it just right. And, of course, every interaction is different, so that must be taken into account as well.
Play around with it, though, and I think you'll be pleased with the results.
TROP FUCKING NICE! C'est exactement ce que je recherchais! PURE GOLD.
hey, i'm a recent rsd alum and i have a question about the emotional connection. Well, first off let me say that i really have learned alot from you guys already. I've been getting a lot better at opening sets and moving into deep and wide rapport. But i think i've been slipping on the connection part.
I know that all this stuff can happen at the same time, but when you move a little further along i mean you've been talking for a while and things are going on and your into the deep and wide rapport, is it good to keep on teasing a women. Busting her balls while your trying for the connection.
Any advice about what kinds of things, guidelines or rules of thumbs would be awesome.
>>>>>> MY REPLY:
Okay, I like this. This is a somewhat advanced question, so I'll break it down in very simple, easy-to-understand terminology.
First of all, congratulations on the progress. The fact that you're consistently getting past the approach and attraction phases of the pickup says a lot. It says you've kept up your skills after the bootcamp, and you should give yourself a pat on the back right now for that.
All right, enough wanking. Let's address the question.
There's a couple things you want to keep in mind when you're into the rapport phase of an interaction.
First of all, should you keep teasing her or not?
Frequently, I'll be talking to a girl, and she gives me the necessary indicators of interest, i.e. asking me personal questions, touching me, etc., and I'll move her into isolation.
Then I'll start slowing things down, getting more personal, and dropping a lot of the wacky, over-the-top fun attraction stuff.
So it's going well, and all of a sudden, BOOM, she starts in on me again with some kind of tease.
Now, when you're in the attraction phase, the correct response is, of course, to bust her right back in a funny way that shows you're in control of yourself and you're a money, witty guy. In fact, if you DON'T respond in this manner, it's likely you'll get blown out of the group.
However, once you're in the rapport phase, if you respond in this way, you're essentially going backwards in the pickup on her schedule.
When you do this, what you're essentially doing is QUALIFYING YOURSELF. In other words, you're showing her that you're coming from a place of lower value, because you're capitulating to her frame in order to placate her.
Make sense?
So, what's the correct way to respond when the girl tests or teases you during the connection phase?
Well, I'm glad you asked. It's quite simple actually. What I'll do is act like I'm sad she busted on me. I'll make a sad face, and say something along the lines of, "Don't be mean to me...
I thought we were past all that ball-busting stuff. Can we play nice? I will if you do..." and then I'll stick out my pinky for her to "pinky swear" on it.
This is the perfect way to keep the frame and maintain the trust and comfort levels you've worked so hard to build. Don't blow it by going BACKWARDS for no reason!
Now, there is one other thing to keep in mind here, and it goes back to something else that you said.
You know that the structure of a pickup isn't strictly linear, and in fact the different phases do have a tendency to sort of "meld together," like a recipe. Add some rapport, sprinkle some attraction, etc.
What that means is that you want to monitor the level of attraction at all times, even when in the rapport phase.
Because what's going to happen once you make the transition is, you'll notice the energy dies down somewhat.
If you let it die down TOO much, she'll lose interest entirely and it's quite possible that you'll lose the girl.
So, what you want to do is occassionally SPRINKLE in little bits of attraction material, i.e. the teases and so forth, whenever you sense that the energy level is getting too low.
This is a concept known as "fractionation," and just like anything in this game, it takes a little bit of practice until you can calibrate it just right. And, of course, every interaction is different, so that must be taken into account as well.
Play around with it, though, and I think you'll be pleased with the results.
TROP FUCKING NICE! C'est exactement ce que je recherchais! PURE GOLD.
Les fans de Star Trek poursuivent les producteurs du film 40 Year Old Virgin !
Cesare Cardinali:
REAL 40 YEAR OLD VIRGINS SAY '40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN' MOVIE MAKES THEM UNCOMFORTABLE Sexually-frustrated Star Trek and Star Wars fans sue Universal, ask for restraining order
Hollywood - The new movie "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" will hit theaters next week, but across America, real 40-year-old virgins say promotions for the upcoming movie make them very uncomfortable as friends and family members make comparisons to the film and remind them of the fact they've ne.ver gotten laid. The virgins have filed a class action lawsuit against Universal Pictures seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.
Stuart Brownfield is a 40-year-old virgin in Nashua, New Hampshire who filed the original lawsuit. He is hoping that the movie will bomb at the box office. "I work in an office (Office Depot) and someone saw the ad for the movie in the paper," said Brownfield.
"Then, this one guy I can't stand in shipping turns to me and says, 'Hey Stuart, this movie sounds like it's right up your alley.'
Everyone started laughing. I was so devastated I couldn't even watch the new episode of 'Battlestar Galactica' that night."
Actor Steve Carell plays 40-year-old virgin Andy Stitzer in the movie. Andy's ne.ver had sex. His friends consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three.
"People who have seen the trailer for the movie are n(ow calling me 'Andy,'" said an emotional Brownfield. "People at the office kn(ow that I've ne.ver gotten laid, but no one really said anything until these movie trailers and posters started appearing. My life has been a nightmare. I haven't felt this bad since 'Episode I.'"
"It's not easy being a virgin, and I really feel for these guys,"
said 42-year-old Stan Jennings of Cranston, Rhode Island. Jennings, who works at Industrial Soap Inc., finally lost his virginity last year while having sex with a prostitute who ended up giving him gonorrhea. "I am not a virgin anymore, and it feels great, although I do have some burning. However, being a former virgin, I empathize with those losers, and I think the movie should be stopped."
Star Trek and Star Wars fans who have been feuding for decades have finally found a common cause in the lawsuit.
"We don't think it's funny to make fun of virgins, and we will use all of our powers to stop this film," said 40year old Larry Nohan, the president of the Star Trek Milwaukee Federation. "This movie is a blatant attempt to humiliate us. Why can't people just leave us alone with our Uhura porn and stop judging us?"
Lou Peters, a 39-year-old virgin and Star Wars fan from San Diego who lives with his parents, considers himself lucky.
"I'm so glad I'm still 39," said Peters who wears a Stormtrooper costume on weekends while playing the "Star Wars: Episode III:
Revenge of the Sith" videogame online. "One year old older and I would be the laughing stock of my neighborhood."
REAL 40 YEAR OLD VIRGINS SAY '40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN' MOVIE MAKES THEM UNCOMFORTABLE Sexually-frustrated Star Trek and Star Wars fans sue Universal, ask for restraining order
Hollywood - The new movie "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" will hit theaters next week, but across America, real 40-year-old virgins say promotions for the upcoming movie make them very uncomfortable as friends and family members make comparisons to the film and remind them of the fact they've ne.ver gotten laid. The virgins have filed a class action lawsuit against Universal Pictures seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.
Stuart Brownfield is a 40-year-old virgin in Nashua, New Hampshire who filed the original lawsuit. He is hoping that the movie will bomb at the box office. "I work in an office (Office Depot) and someone saw the ad for the movie in the paper," said Brownfield.
"Then, this one guy I can't stand in shipping turns to me and says, 'Hey Stuart, this movie sounds like it's right up your alley.'
Everyone started laughing. I was so devastated I couldn't even watch the new episode of 'Battlestar Galactica' that night."
Actor Steve Carell plays 40-year-old virgin Andy Stitzer in the movie. Andy's ne.ver had sex. His friends consider it their duty to help, but nothing proves effective enough until he meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a 40-year-old mother of three.
"People who have seen the trailer for the movie are n(ow calling me 'Andy,'" said an emotional Brownfield. "People at the office kn(ow that I've ne.ver gotten laid, but no one really said anything until these movie trailers and posters started appearing. My life has been a nightmare. I haven't felt this bad since 'Episode I.'"
"It's not easy being a virgin, and I really feel for these guys,"
said 42-year-old Stan Jennings of Cranston, Rhode Island. Jennings, who works at Industrial Soap Inc., finally lost his virginity last year while having sex with a prostitute who ended up giving him gonorrhea. "I am not a virgin anymore, and it feels great, although I do have some burning. However, being a former virgin, I empathize with those losers, and I think the movie should be stopped."
Star Trek and Star Wars fans who have been feuding for decades have finally found a common cause in the lawsuit.
"We don't think it's funny to make fun of virgins, and we will use all of our powers to stop this film," said 40year old Larry Nohan, the president of the Star Trek Milwaukee Federation. "This movie is a blatant attempt to humiliate us. Why can't people just leave us alone with our Uhura porn and stop judging us?"
Lou Peters, a 39-year-old virgin and Star Wars fan from San Diego who lives with his parents, considers himself lucky.
"I'm so glad I'm still 39," said Peters who wears a Stormtrooper costume on weekends while playing the "Star Wars: Episode III:
Revenge of the Sith" videogame online. "One year old older and I would be the laughing stock of my neighborhood."
Friday, January 13, 2006
Mes pensées sur le game.
J'ai souvent réalisé que a chaque fille que je parle je vais runner le même genre de game, c'est à dire C&F pis hardcore auto-disqualification. C'est quelquechose de récurrent.
Si je dissecte la dernière interaction que j'ai eu avec Marie-Thérèse je vais analyser étape par étape ce qui s'est passé.
En rétrospective je pourrais mieux voir mes défauts et mes forces.
Sharks, HB8Marie (2set)
Je marche avec Dave vers le sofa dans le fond quand j'entends mon nom "Cia", je continue a marcher tête en avant pensant qu'elle disait quelque chose d'autre ce qui n'est pas rare en passant j'entends souvent le monde dire Cia autour de moi et ca n'est pas nécessairement pour m'apeller, "Cia!" "Cia!"
Je me tourne et je vois HB8Marie avec mon ami AFC que je suspecte être gay depuis longtemps.
Moi: "Hey vous deux. Qu'est-ce qui se passe la? Ca sent l'amour dans l'air."
Elle: "haha"
Mon ami quant a lui devient défensif, nonon. de quoi tu parles.etc
Je m'asseois leur parle un peu, mais surtout a la fille puisque ca fais longtemps que je ne l'ai aps vu. Maintenant que j'y pense j'aurais du parlé a mon ami plus et tout simplement l'ignorer sans faire de neg.
Jvas me rasseoir avec Marie et mon ami plus tard avec Dave.
J'aurais dû faire une intro positive renforcée pour lui. Mais je finis par le présenter au groupe un peu plus tard de facon tout a fait normale.
Je lui parle normalement pendant quelque temps, et l'ignore complètement durant une grosse partie de la soirée parce que je parle a Dave. Maintenant que j'y pense, j'aurais dû leader une conversation pour que tout le monde s'implique en racontant une histoire, une anecdote intéressante. Mais hélas je n'avais pas pu faire ca étant donné que je ne sais pas comment.
Je la C&F a la première occasion venue durant les présentations, en agissant comme si j'avais oublié son nom.
"Elise?, Hélène?" Elle me donne un coup au bras en me disant que chuis con.
Ici j'aurais pu dire hey, pas touche, c'est pas gratuit, je ne suis pas un morceau de viande. Tu vas trop vite pour moi la, on se calme stp.
ET LA LA ROUTINE DE L'ENTREVUE EMBARQUE, Qu'est-ce que tu fais de bon? Tu travailles? Ecole? Qu'est-ce que tu etudies? ETC... omfg je fais toujours ca parce que j'ai pas de RAPPORT GAME! Pour éviter ca je dois mfaire des petites histoires qui vont transmettre des traits de qualité attirants, pour que je puisse leader la convo, et que je puisse l'ouvrir a moi plus facilement. J'aurais pu aussi faire des mini-cold reads pour bâtir des similarités. EXEMPLES...
histoire -> "Tu sais tu mrapelle de... blah jpars mon histoire"
mini-cold reads-> "Tu sais tu as l'air plutôt calme, du type intravertie. Ya des gens qui pourraient penser que t'es constipée mais jpense que t'attends juste le bon moment, tu aimes observer avant et de voir ske tu peux apprendre sur l'autre personne avant de t'ouvrir"
"Je comprends. Je suis exactement pareil... (similarité rapport),
et c'est exactement pour ca que jpeux plus te parler (PUSH)...(attend réponse).
On ne s'accepterait jamais. On se chicanerait toujours.
On est trop similaire (PULL)...
C'est comme un tourbillon d'émotions qui la surprend a chaque tour. Très puissant.
après dépendamment de ce qu'elle va dire je vais peut-être continuer sur son thread, ou le couper et en partir un nouveau. MAIS JE DOIS AVOIR DES HISTOIRES. Je ne peux pas bâtir un rapport game solide en posant des questions d'entrevues comme je fais tout le temps, ce n'est pas la connection profonde dont les filles rêvent tant.
Ou j'aurais pu jouer le lying game avec elle, ou the cube ou même lire ses lignes de la main, ca aurait impliqué un kino escalation smooth.
Le trouble c'est que yavait mon ami a côté qui faisait rien, et je la traitais comme si elle était en isolation avec moi. C'était une location de confort, assis sur un sofa. Je pense que ce que Dave aurait pu faire c'est d'occuper mon ami pendant que je run mon game sur la fille pour pas qu'il s'emmerde et qu'elle ne pense trop a qu'il s'emmerde. Bien sûr si ca l'aurait été un cas contraire ca serait a moi d'occuper le gars.
Bon revenons a la situation, je me rapelle a moment donné mon ami lui parlait de politique pis ca avait l'air plate a l'os pour elle, et elle m'avait engagé dans la convo sauf que j'aurais dû couper le thread et au plus tôt et les engager dans une conversation un peu plus stimulante. MAIS JAI PAS DHISTOIRE, je pouvais pas faire ca. Pis un 2 set c'est un animal spécial, on ne peut pas les séparer parce qu'ils sont venu ensemble c'est pourquoi il faut les isoler a deux, traiter ca comme une personne, mais si ya un wing, le wing peut occuper lobstacle, avoir été tout seul yaurait fallu jengage le groupe comme si ca n'était qu'un seul, je n'aurais sûrement pas pu l'isoler, alors la meilleure chose que j'aurais pu faire c'est d'avoir son numéro.
Dave me dis que c'est chien pour mon ami, mais je ne vois rien de chien la dedans pis c'est vrai. C'est pas comme s'il sortait ensemble.Je n'ai aucune culpabilité.
Je lui demande si elle a un stylo.
Sans hésiter je lui demande si elle a un cellulaire.
Je lui donne mon numéro de téléphone.
Le meilleur frame que j'ai pu setté toute la soirée en contexte de je suis the prize, c'est qu'elle habite dans un trou avec des vaches et des fermes. Je savais que c'était on parce qu'elle essayait de me taquiner en retour avec ces commentaires. Tu restes a Laval, c'est poche Laval. La jai fait lerreur de dire oui. Pis la elle me dit ben non stune joke. Hahaha...
Elle me demande au moins 5 fois maintenant que jy pense c quoi je fais demain, jtrouve ca bizarre maintenant que jy pense. jaurais du l'inviter a sortir. What Tha Fuck.
La je dis je vais rien faire, je vais rester che moi. (J'aurais pu trouver quelque chose de mieux aussi ici). Genre, si je l'aurais invité je ne serais pas dans cette situation poche.
Elle me taquine en disant tu vas jouer a Starcraft. C'était un put-down.
Je savais pas trop koi dire, alors je lui ai dit. OK... tu m'as eu, bravo. (PULL) un faux pull...
Et en passant c'est 30 a 2 pour moi. Je te donne 2 points pour celui la. (PUSH) challenge...
La même mon ami etait de mon bord en disant celle la etait bonne.
Elle a essayé de sen sortir, comment ca 30 a 2 etc. bla bla
J'aurais juste du l'ignorer au lieu de l'engager logiquement. Ignorer et COUPER LE THREAD, passer a un autre genre.
c'était dur, c'est comme si je la gamais direct en face de mon ami.
AUSSI Yaurait fallu je démontre de la valeur sociale en engagant les DEUX comme s'ils n'étaient qu'un ONE SET.
Finalement en sortant elle me demande mon e-mail, je lui donne.
Fin de la soirée.
Si je dissecte la dernière interaction que j'ai eu avec Marie-Thérèse je vais analyser étape par étape ce qui s'est passé.
En rétrospective je pourrais mieux voir mes défauts et mes forces.
Sharks, HB8Marie (2set)
Je marche avec Dave vers le sofa dans le fond quand j'entends mon nom "Cia", je continue a marcher tête en avant pensant qu'elle disait quelque chose d'autre ce qui n'est pas rare en passant j'entends souvent le monde dire Cia autour de moi et ca n'est pas nécessairement pour m'apeller, "Cia!" "Cia!"
Je me tourne et je vois HB8Marie avec mon ami AFC que je suspecte être gay depuis longtemps.
Moi: "Hey vous deux. Qu'est-ce qui se passe la? Ca sent l'amour dans l'air."
Elle: "haha"
Mon ami quant a lui devient défensif, nonon. de quoi tu parles.etc
Je m'asseois leur parle un peu, mais surtout a la fille puisque ca fais longtemps que je ne l'ai aps vu. Maintenant que j'y pense j'aurais du parlé a mon ami plus et tout simplement l'ignorer sans faire de neg.
Jvas me rasseoir avec Marie et mon ami plus tard avec Dave.
J'aurais dû faire une intro positive renforcée pour lui. Mais je finis par le présenter au groupe un peu plus tard de facon tout a fait normale.
Je lui parle normalement pendant quelque temps, et l'ignore complètement durant une grosse partie de la soirée parce que je parle a Dave. Maintenant que j'y pense, j'aurais dû leader une conversation pour que tout le monde s'implique en racontant une histoire, une anecdote intéressante. Mais hélas je n'avais pas pu faire ca étant donné que je ne sais pas comment.
Je la C&F a la première occasion venue durant les présentations, en agissant comme si j'avais oublié son nom.
"Elise?, Hélène?" Elle me donne un coup au bras en me disant que chuis con.
Ici j'aurais pu dire hey, pas touche, c'est pas gratuit, je ne suis pas un morceau de viande. Tu vas trop vite pour moi la, on se calme stp.
ET LA LA ROUTINE DE L'ENTREVUE EMBARQUE, Qu'est-ce que tu fais de bon? Tu travailles? Ecole? Qu'est-ce que tu etudies? ETC... omfg je fais toujours ca parce que j'ai pas de RAPPORT GAME! Pour éviter ca je dois mfaire des petites histoires qui vont transmettre des traits de qualité attirants, pour que je puisse leader la convo, et que je puisse l'ouvrir a moi plus facilement. J'aurais pu aussi faire des mini-cold reads pour bâtir des similarités. EXEMPLES...
histoire -> "Tu sais tu mrapelle de... blah jpars mon histoire"
mini-cold reads-> "Tu sais tu as l'air plutôt calme, du type intravertie. Ya des gens qui pourraient penser que t'es constipée mais jpense que t'attends juste le bon moment, tu aimes observer avant et de voir ske tu peux apprendre sur l'autre personne avant de t'ouvrir"
"Je comprends. Je suis exactement pareil... (similarité rapport),
et c'est exactement pour ca que jpeux plus te parler (PUSH)...(attend réponse).
On ne s'accepterait jamais. On se chicanerait toujours.
On est trop similaire (PULL)...
C'est comme un tourbillon d'émotions qui la surprend a chaque tour. Très puissant.
après dépendamment de ce qu'elle va dire je vais peut-être continuer sur son thread, ou le couper et en partir un nouveau. MAIS JE DOIS AVOIR DES HISTOIRES. Je ne peux pas bâtir un rapport game solide en posant des questions d'entrevues comme je fais tout le temps, ce n'est pas la connection profonde dont les filles rêvent tant.
Ou j'aurais pu jouer le lying game avec elle, ou the cube ou même lire ses lignes de la main, ca aurait impliqué un kino escalation smooth.
Le trouble c'est que yavait mon ami a côté qui faisait rien, et je la traitais comme si elle était en isolation avec moi. C'était une location de confort, assis sur un sofa. Je pense que ce que Dave aurait pu faire c'est d'occuper mon ami pendant que je run mon game sur la fille pour pas qu'il s'emmerde et qu'elle ne pense trop a qu'il s'emmerde. Bien sûr si ca l'aurait été un cas contraire ca serait a moi d'occuper le gars.
Bon revenons a la situation, je me rapelle a moment donné mon ami lui parlait de politique pis ca avait l'air plate a l'os pour elle, et elle m'avait engagé dans la convo sauf que j'aurais dû couper le thread et au plus tôt et les engager dans une conversation un peu plus stimulante. MAIS JAI PAS DHISTOIRE, je pouvais pas faire ca. Pis un 2 set c'est un animal spécial, on ne peut pas les séparer parce qu'ils sont venu ensemble c'est pourquoi il faut les isoler a deux, traiter ca comme une personne, mais si ya un wing, le wing peut occuper lobstacle, avoir été tout seul yaurait fallu jengage le groupe comme si ca n'était qu'un seul, je n'aurais sûrement pas pu l'isoler, alors la meilleure chose que j'aurais pu faire c'est d'avoir son numéro.
Dave me dis que c'est chien pour mon ami, mais je ne vois rien de chien la dedans pis c'est vrai. C'est pas comme s'il sortait ensemble.Je n'ai aucune culpabilité.
Je lui demande si elle a un stylo.
Sans hésiter je lui demande si elle a un cellulaire.
Je lui donne mon numéro de téléphone.
Le meilleur frame que j'ai pu setté toute la soirée en contexte de je suis the prize, c'est qu'elle habite dans un trou avec des vaches et des fermes. Je savais que c'était on parce qu'elle essayait de me taquiner en retour avec ces commentaires. Tu restes a Laval, c'est poche Laval. La jai fait lerreur de dire oui. Pis la elle me dit ben non stune joke. Hahaha...
Elle me demande au moins 5 fois maintenant que jy pense c quoi je fais demain, jtrouve ca bizarre maintenant que jy pense. jaurais du l'inviter a sortir. What Tha Fuck.
La je dis je vais rien faire, je vais rester che moi. (J'aurais pu trouver quelque chose de mieux aussi ici). Genre, si je l'aurais invité je ne serais pas dans cette situation poche.
Elle me taquine en disant tu vas jouer a Starcraft. C'était un put-down.
Je savais pas trop koi dire, alors je lui ai dit. OK... tu m'as eu, bravo. (PULL) un faux pull...
Et en passant c'est 30 a 2 pour moi. Je te donne 2 points pour celui la. (PUSH) challenge...
La même mon ami etait de mon bord en disant celle la etait bonne.
Elle a essayé de sen sortir, comment ca 30 a 2 etc. bla bla
J'aurais juste du l'ignorer au lieu de l'engager logiquement. Ignorer et COUPER LE THREAD, passer a un autre genre.
c'était dur, c'est comme si je la gamais direct en face de mon ami.
AUSSI Yaurait fallu je démontre de la valeur sociale en engagant les DEUX comme s'ils n'étaient qu'un ONE SET.
Finalement en sortant elle me demande mon e-mail, je lui donne.
Fin de la soirée.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
The Rules For Winging
The Rules for Winging
Thursday, December 19 2002 @ 11:11 HKT
Contributed by: veroxii
Views: 403
ArticlesEddy posted an article on mASF about the rules or "etiquette" if you will of sarging with a wing.
Looking back, this kind of thing has fucked up many of our sarges before. Especially if you open a set, and your wing comes in and simply "takes over". Not good... very bad karma... :-)
It's easy to forget these and lose sight of them while in the moment, but really we should always try to follow these:
1. NEVER go in a set with your wing, unless it's a 3+ set.
2. DO NOT compete for attention with main guy, let HIM be the MAN.
3. 3 second rule applies when winging. Do not stand still like a puppet, get into the conversation fast.
4. Isolate/occupy obsticle right after getting into the set.
5. Have some sort of secret code for ejecting, closing, switching...etc.
6. DO NOT EJECT before your main man closes. This is important. Sometimes it means you need to take a bullet for your bro, so be it.
7. Always agree with what the main man says, since he is the guy running the show. DO NOT disagree with him under no circustances. Disagreeing with the main guy would take away his alpha status and also makes him look like he is lying to get chicks (not good).
8. Do not close before communicating to your wing first. Sometimes it's easier to close at the same time. Think about it. Suggest somewhere you can all go as a group. Once you are out of the club setting, the game is much much easier (Game over).
9. This is a corollary to 7. Keep everything positive, except when negging. Don't get talking about the invasion of Iraq, or your mother's hemerroids, or whatever, even when you are occupying a UG obstacle who you wouldnt close in a million years, and even if you think it's the most interesting thing in the world when she brings it up. Sarge her, even if you have to hold your nose to do it. Talk about feelings, talk about fun, excitement, good body feelings, and always steer things in a positive direction if she brings up something negative. You've gotta keep the mood of the whole group positive. Of course, this applies whether you're alone or with a wing.
10. Be aware of how you can position your body to create the best separation between the obstacle and your main man's target.
For some examples on how to do this, go read the original article.
Thursday, December 19 2002 @ 11:11 HKT
Contributed by: veroxii
Views: 403
ArticlesEddy posted an article on mASF about the rules or "etiquette" if you will of sarging with a wing.
Looking back, this kind of thing has fucked up many of our sarges before. Especially if you open a set, and your wing comes in and simply "takes over". Not good... very bad karma... :-)
It's easy to forget these and lose sight of them while in the moment, but really we should always try to follow these:
1. NEVER go in a set with your wing, unless it's a 3+ set.
2. DO NOT compete for attention with main guy, let HIM be the MAN.
3. 3 second rule applies when winging. Do not stand still like a puppet, get into the conversation fast.
4. Isolate/occupy obsticle right after getting into the set.
5. Have some sort of secret code for ejecting, closing, switching...etc.
6. DO NOT EJECT before your main man closes. This is important. Sometimes it means you need to take a bullet for your bro, so be it.
7. Always agree with what the main man says, since he is the guy running the show. DO NOT disagree with him under no circustances. Disagreeing with the main guy would take away his alpha status and also makes him look like he is lying to get chicks (not good).
8. Do not close before communicating to your wing first. Sometimes it's easier to close at the same time. Think about it. Suggest somewhere you can all go as a group. Once you are out of the club setting, the game is much much easier (Game over).
9. This is a corollary to 7. Keep everything positive, except when negging. Don't get talking about the invasion of Iraq, or your mother's hemerroids, or whatever, even when you are occupying a UG obstacle who you wouldnt close in a million years, and even if you think it's the most interesting thing in the world when she brings it up. Sarge her, even if you have to hold your nose to do it. Talk about feelings, talk about fun, excitement, good body feelings, and always steer things in a positive direction if she brings up something negative. You've gotta keep the mood of the whole group positive. Of course, this applies whether you're alone or with a wing.
10. Be aware of how you can position your body to create the best separation between the obstacle and your main man's target.
For some examples on how to do this, go read the original article.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Profound excerpt from (The Way Of The Superior Man, David Deida)
About David Deida
Acknowledged as one of the world's most insightful and provocative spiritual teachers of our time, best-selling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually. His teachings and writings on a radically practical spirituality for our time have been hailed as among the most original and authentic contributions to personal and spiritual growth currently available.
Known internationally for his unique workshops on spiritual growth and sacred intimacy, Deida has designed and developed a remarkably effective program of transformative practices that addresses spiritual awakening in mind, body, and heart. He is a founding associate of Integral Institute and has taught and conducted research at the University of California Medical School in San Diego; University of California, Santa Cruz; San Jose State University; Lexington Institute, Boston; and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France.
Deida is known worldwide as the author of hundreds of essays, audiotapes, videotapes, articles, and books that bring to light an integral approach to spirituality. His books include the best-selling underground classic, The Way of the Superior Man; several practical texts on authentic sexual spirituality, including Finding God Through Sex and Blue Truth; and the autobiographical novel about highly unconventional spiritual training, Wild Nights.
David Deida's books are published in more than twenty languages worldwide and are required reading in university, church, and spiritual center courses, source texts used in men's and women's groups around the world, and are considered important resources for spiritual transformation and sacred sexuality by everyone from achievement coach Tony Robbins to philosopher Ken Wilber to minister and spiritual spokeswoman Marianne Williamson.
"For certain people, If you choose a committed intimacy it is important to understand that the woman you choose does not want to be #1 in your life. She may of course want to be the most important human in your life but she does not want to be the most important anything in your life. She knows that one day she will die. She knows that the relationship may or may not last. She knows that if you hide your deepest purpose or if you curtail your deepest life impulse in order to please her in order to make her feel like she's #1 in life. You will also resent her, because you have also given your deepest impulse to make her feel like she's the only reason why you're alive.
There's a big difference between her being the light of your life, the inspiration of your heart, the source of your heart arousal, the way your soul connects to the world and attracted into the world. There's a difference between a woman offering you those blessings and a woman who you cannot live without.
If you cannot live without her, if you are dependent on her, if you can only continue when she's giving you love and you collapse if she does not, if you can only continue giving your gift when she's in your life and you cease giving your gift when she is not in your life, she can feel that weakness in you. She doesn't want you to require her to be a certain way in order for you to be able to give your gift.
She doesn't want you to require her to be in your life or else you can't go on. She doesn't want a little baby that is dependent on her. She wants a man who is fully giving his gift to the world AND to her and embraces her in his giving. Embraces her completely in his chosen purpose, she is part of his purpose but she is NOT all of it.
She doesn't want to be smothered by his need for her to be there, for her to be a certain way. In fact she doesn't want him to depend on her at all. She wants to feel a free man, a man who loves her, a man who chooses her above all other feminines sources, a man who chooses her as a treasure of his life that brings light to his entire life but would continue giving his gift completely even if she dissapeared tomorrow.
A man who is happy with her, and happy without her but chooses her forcefully and passionately, but equally forcefully and passionately would continue giving his gift with or without her. Such a man she can trust, she can trust as heart isn't bending his needs but rather offering love that isn't curtailed, that is not holding back in order to keep her with him, that is not holding back in order not to scare her away.
One of the way that the masculine is very different from the feminine is that the masculine lives in a grid of space of time. So for a woman or man that is in their masculine when they say I will meet you at 45th street. It's a certain space and time that's agreed upon and you both need to make plans to get there, both in space and time. So the masculine is always holding a kind of grid of reality in his mind of what people said and what they've committed to and what they've done and how that stretched out in space and time. But the feminine in women is simply the flow of how things are happening for real right now. It does not matter if it's been sunny for 30 days if for the 31st day there's a tsunami or a hurricane or a rainstorm. The previous 30 days of sunshine mean nothing. Suddenly everything is soaked. All that matter is that it is raining now. Now to the masculine outside of life, observing life, observing all that which changes. The masculine can feel "Humm, it was sunny for 30 days then it rained for one day. My guess is that it will be sunny for another 30 days!"
So the masculine can extract itself out an make generalizations and therefore the masculine can forgive mistakes. The masculine can say, "Hum, that person was on time for 20 years they have never missed a meeting, and they just missed a meeting. It must have been an accident because that's a trustable person that has never missed a meeting in 20 years till now." That however is NOT how the feminine works. The feminine is that 31 days when it's raining.
If YOU, as a man, in a committed intimacy made a promise to your woman. And you BREAK that promise. She is NOT trusting you NOW. She feels in her body NOW, that you said one thing and did another and RIGHT NOW in her body she cannot FIND trust in you. It does not matter that in the previous YEAR, or 10 YEARS you had always done what you said you would do. Your track record is MEANINGLESS to her. IF she is in her feminine.
If she remains in her feminine. Which means you CAN enjoy the sexual polarity, her sexual passion so you can rest in your masculine, she can rest in her feminine. By definition that means your track record is MEANINGLESS to her. The fact that you've kept your word in 30 YEARS means NOTHING if in THIS MOMENT you have not. If she is in her feminine, and up to this moment you have not kept your word. Her heart is CRUSHED, her body is TURNED OUT, she cannot trust her guidance because you just lied to her. Never mind that you've never mistaken before, you always done what you always said you'd done before.
So one of the mistakes is that often the masculine partner will EXPECT her feminine partner to BE LIKE HIM. Again, we ALL DO THIS, we all assume that everyone is like us. But one way that the feminine is not like the masculine, is that your track record however good it is doesn't mean anything to her.
RIGHT NOW, if you are not alined with what you said, your actions aren't alined with your words. She feels it RIGHT NOW IN THIS PRESENT MOMENT, and cannot trust you RIGHT NOW. And the time and space grid that you're holding "BUT BUT for twenty years I've done everything just right" is MEANINGLESS to her. She does not hold that grid in her feminine. She does in her masculine and you need to ask herself. So what you should ask yourself is do you want her to go into her masculine so that she is not sexually attracted to you but she realizes that you've done things right most of the time, OR, would you rather experience a deep passion of polarity between the two of you and just know that moment by moment, she is ALWAYS reflecting your integrity to you in the moment. You could be perfectly right on for year after year and then you suddenly lose integrity in that moment, she doesn't trust you that much.
YES, it is a pain in the butt. But IT IS what you want. In the way of the superior man you want a woman that instantaneously reflects to you the depth of your integrity so that you can then error correct, so that you can feel deeper into your heart.
Of course there are times when she can be just testing you to see how aligned you are, she could be testing you by pushing you a little bit, by teasing you a little bit, by seeing to see if she can knock you off your purpose to see if she can distract you and then she finds pleasure in that she CANNOT distract you from your depth, but your track record, your history, your grid in space and time, that you as a masculine person hold is not held by the feminine.
So if you want to embrace the feminine it means embracing a being that is IN THE MOMENT, reflecting to you not just what you are doing, but everything in her experience, EVERYTHING, not including the grid of space and time that you are holding. You have a track record in your mind, but to the feminine there IS NO track record. There is simply the flow of integrity that you are expressing NOW, or NOT.
If your woman is relaxed in her feminine, she is responding to you SPONTANEOUSLY in the moment. Right now she is showing you her feelings IN THIS MOMENT in response to you, it has nothing to do with your track record for the last 20 years. It's only this moment.
So if you make a mistake, and of course everyone makes mistakes. Perhaps we could look at life as a man, as one long mistake that we're constantly learning from, but since we're always making mistakes, we're always seeing that look in our partner's face because SHE CAN FEEL, when we're NOT living from our deepest source. She can feel when we are lying to ourselves, she can feel when we bend our heart's deepest impulse for the sake of our owns fears, or even for her own fears. But because her response is spontaneous and not based on a grid of space and time it means that in the very next moment, after making a mistake, she just wants TO FEEL YOU, DEEP AND PRESENT, offering YOUR deepest heart to her deepest heart. She doesn't need to feel you go on and on about how you're going to fix yourself. That space and time grid doesn't really matter to her feminine. She doesn't need to feel you collapse into your own weakness and endlessly apologizing about how better you'll do next time, how you're sorry for hurting her, if you know you've hurt her, and that you made a mistake, you may simple acknowledge that you've made a mistake.
I've messed up, BUT THEN THE VERY NEXT MOMENT, SHOW HER, that you've error-corrected, SHOW that now you've fallen down, stood up, dusted yourself up and taken the next step taking into account what you've learned from your mistake. Every mistake is a learning. So your woman can feel your constant learning parallel with what seems to you to be your constant mistakes.
One of the secrets for offering your depth to a woman is not to linger in time but IN THE MOMENT, PRESENT MOMENT, to simply offer your deepest love to her so her heart opens if she is closed down and concerned because you've done something stupid, you've seen what you've done, you've corrected what you've done, but she's still concerned perhaps it's more important to embrace her or to give her a loving spanking with a smile, or to tickle her, or to stand up and put up some music and dance with her for a few minutes with her, sometimes you can open your body to touch, sometimes you can open her heart to humor, sometimes you can access her soul through your gaze, in this present moment, NO MATTER HOW BAD YOUR ERROR WAS A FEW MINUTES AGO.
You do not take your psychological processes and make her deal with it. SHE IS NOT YOUR THERAPIST. She is not your men's group LEADER trying to help you man to man. She is the water, and you have touched the water and it has rippled."
It is so profound. As it encapsulates and articulates so well and so clearly how the relationship between a man and a woman is from a spiritual point of view. And rings true and kind of confirms with alot of depth alot of the logical concepts and belief systems I've been learning from other sources as well as my own personal observations in my own life.
I thought it would be useful to talk about Dilt's hierarchy of the logical levels (NLP Model) here because I believe that Spirituality can bring a person to profound realizations and therefore affect powerful, long lasting change into his own personal life:
Here they are starting from the highest level to the lowest:
1. Spirit/Physics
2. Reality
3. Identity
4. Beliefs
5. Values
6. Understanding
7. Skills
8. Techniques
9. Situations
The basis of this map is to give you a general working visual map to guide your thinking, it is believed in the field of NLP that if you can impact change upon a higher level it will affect change in ALL of the bottom levels. This map is factual and fairly accurate and stems from the belief that changing a higher level forces a reorganization of the lower levels.
For example if you cultivate your spirituality as a result that will result in important changes in the way your reality will look(spirituality/physics), how you will view yourself as a person(identity), the things you truly believe about yourself or other things(beliefs), what's most important to you(values), how well you understand(understanding), your capacity to perform at various tasks(skills), your mastery over specific tricks(techniques) and how your day to day situations will look like(situations) in your life.
For example becoming a good guitarist would be considered working on your skills, but will that impact anything in your understanding of how women work? Most likely not.
Working on your beliefs to become more confident in the area of becoming good with women in consequence will most likely impact your confidence in ALL areas of your life, hence make you better at many other things, INCLUDING playing guitar.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
My mind map: The Well Rounded PUA
I've mind-mapped how I will approach the game as it helps me organize my thougts and gives me clarity of focus. Take note that I've updated this one and will keep doing it as time goes on since nothing ever stays the same when we experience it through the filters of reality.
old version
new version
old version
new version
What is Image Streaming?
I've just concluded my first session of image streaming.
20 minutes of it with the aid of a binaural beat sound track that is specifically designed to bring out the creative beast that is lying dormant in all human beings. It's a process that Win Wenger invented and has been proven to raise your IQ level dramatically if practiced regularly and consistently. It is a process where you just let your thoughts flow eyes shut and describing it live either to a person or a tape recorder. Just non-stop description as vivid, as sensory-rich possible.
I've had lots of insight from doing this, as I was metaphorically describing how I view the world, and what my obstacles are, etc. I can't interpret the whole thing for sure, but nonetheless the benefits still come in the form of improved visualization. It helps be more creative and better thinking.
I would suggest you look into it as I think it has it's applications in PU.
Here's a link to an article that explains in depth how it actually works: click here
20 minutes of it with the aid of a binaural beat sound track that is specifically designed to bring out the creative beast that is lying dormant in all human beings. It's a process that Win Wenger invented and has been proven to raise your IQ level dramatically if practiced regularly and consistently. It is a process where you just let your thoughts flow eyes shut and describing it live either to a person or a tape recorder. Just non-stop description as vivid, as sensory-rich possible.
I've had lots of insight from doing this, as I was metaphorically describing how I view the world, and what my obstacles are, etc. I can't interpret the whole thing for sure, but nonetheless the benefits still come in the form of improved visualization. It helps be more creative and better thinking.
I would suggest you look into it as I think it has it's applications in PU.
Here's a link to an article that explains in depth how it actually works: click here
New Studies show Women more genetically prone to cheat
This is exactly what the book Sperm Wars talks about, if you haven't read it go BUY IT, it will blow your mind.
This is exactly what the book Sperm Wars talks about, if you haven't read it go BUY IT, it will blow your mind.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
A rant I made on mASF a while ago...
Women are creatures of emotion, and will be induced to do many crazy things under it's influence.
Just think about it. Women are willing to suck a guy's dick and actually derive pleasure from it. Do you know how degrading it is regarded in society to suck dick? I don't see it that way, it's just a normal thing for me but society dictates alot of things.
So as long as you can evoke powerful emotions inside a woman's body through BL, Voice Tone, Congruency, Words, etc. She can't HELP but feel emotions in your presence, alas as David D. says, attraction is NOT a choice and it is so true.
I noticed how in my life, women act so differently around me now, albeit I haven't changed much but my general composure around them. I could do the craziest things, and women would still FEEL emotions around me, no matter what I do.
If I am composed, in my reality and congruent, women cannot help but FEEL my presence. Which is a good thing, so as long as I don't care what society dictates, I am a breath of fresh air because they all aspire to become like this also.
See, being creatures of Logic, we will always have the upper hand over being overly emotional. It is the natural course of things, it is the nature of the beast.
We have developped Logic to suade women, and in order to seduce them better they have made us into what we are today. As their demands grow larger and taller in search of the True alpha male, their knight in shining armor that will sweep them off their feet, we as men can only
grow smarter and smarter, and this is a classic application of Demand/Supply in action that has been going on for so many years.
We need not a Logical brain to survive and replicate, it is only logical to conclude this as a very sound theory of human evolution. This is how animals evolved, and aren't we animals at our core also, creatures of emotion?
Women will even take it up the ass under the influence of emotion. They'll even cheat on their best friend. They'll even do threesomes. Isn't it ludicrous from a logical point of view?
EMOTION will overtake LOGIC at all times!
There are many ways you can create this emotion. Conveying the correct BL and behaviors, from a day to day basis because women are day to day creatures.
They can feel one thing one day, and a COMPLETELY different thing another day, it is not long ever lasting as it is for us. If for say you are attracted to a girl, you will STAY attracted to her for a very long time, hence it is not logical for us to fathom the thought of a chick being attracted to us one day and NOT another.
That is because they are in the moment creatures that feel INTENSE emotions, far more intense than we ever will feel.
Chicks cry when they watch TV, movies and for little unimportant things from our perspective.
Sure men hide their emotions more, but still I don't believe we feel emotions as deeply as women do, it might be more lasting, but it is not as intense.
It is not just society dictating us not to cry, it is also from the biological mechanism that runs our bodies that is not triggering the same buttons to make us feel so deeply.
Hence if we hit the right buttons inside a woman's primitive animalistic mind, we WILL trigger these emotions, to the point where it will take OVER her mind and make her rationalize why she is doing what she is doing even if it doesn't make sense.
Women's logic does not function the same way ours does, it is not linear and logical in the definition that we understand it. I have come to understand and embrace this as part of the beauty of life. I have been proven right again and again by this theory.
They jump to illogical conclusions based on little things, and are compelled to act on them because they have already rationalized their feelings. It is THUS LOGICAL TO THEM.
Only when an alpha male with a strong enough frame; reality comes up and leads the way for her that she will come to respect him, herself because through him she will come to understand herself better.
Women test men all the time unconsciously or consciously because they are looking to find this man. This man that is so strong within his frame, so sure of himself that they cannot help but be sucked into it.
They test you to see how strong you REALLY are.
Can you take care of them?
Can you lead them?
Can you take care of the family?
Or will you lead them into even more chaos than they already are in?...
Women are creatures of emotion, and will be induced to do many crazy things under it's influence.
Just think about it. Women are willing to suck a guy's dick and actually derive pleasure from it. Do you know how degrading it is regarded in society to suck dick? I don't see it that way, it's just a normal thing for me but society dictates alot of things.
So as long as you can evoke powerful emotions inside a woman's body through BL, Voice Tone, Congruency, Words, etc. She can't HELP but feel emotions in your presence, alas as David D. says, attraction is NOT a choice and it is so true.
I noticed how in my life, women act so differently around me now, albeit I haven't changed much but my general composure around them. I could do the craziest things, and women would still FEEL emotions around me, no matter what I do.
If I am composed, in my reality and congruent, women cannot help but FEEL my presence. Which is a good thing, so as long as I don't care what society dictates, I am a breath of fresh air because they all aspire to become like this also.
See, being creatures of Logic, we will always have the upper hand over being overly emotional. It is the natural course of things, it is the nature of the beast.
We have developped Logic to suade women, and in order to seduce them better they have made us into what we are today. As their demands grow larger and taller in search of the True alpha male, their knight in shining armor that will sweep them off their feet, we as men can only
grow smarter and smarter, and this is a classic application of Demand/Supply in action that has been going on for so many years.
We need not a Logical brain to survive and replicate, it is only logical to conclude this as a very sound theory of human evolution. This is how animals evolved, and aren't we animals at our core also, creatures of emotion?
Women will even take it up the ass under the influence of emotion. They'll even cheat on their best friend. They'll even do threesomes. Isn't it ludicrous from a logical point of view?
EMOTION will overtake LOGIC at all times!
There are many ways you can create this emotion. Conveying the correct BL and behaviors, from a day to day basis because women are day to day creatures.
They can feel one thing one day, and a COMPLETELY different thing another day, it is not long ever lasting as it is for us. If for say you are attracted to a girl, you will STAY attracted to her for a very long time, hence it is not logical for us to fathom the thought of a chick being attracted to us one day and NOT another.
That is because they are in the moment creatures that feel INTENSE emotions, far more intense than we ever will feel.
Chicks cry when they watch TV, movies and for little unimportant things from our perspective.
Sure men hide their emotions more, but still I don't believe we feel emotions as deeply as women do, it might be more lasting, but it is not as intense.
It is not just society dictating us not to cry, it is also from the biological mechanism that runs our bodies that is not triggering the same buttons to make us feel so deeply.
Hence if we hit the right buttons inside a woman's primitive animalistic mind, we WILL trigger these emotions, to the point where it will take OVER her mind and make her rationalize why she is doing what she is doing even if it doesn't make sense.
Women's logic does not function the same way ours does, it is not linear and logical in the definition that we understand it. I have come to understand and embrace this as part of the beauty of life. I have been proven right again and again by this theory.
They jump to illogical conclusions based on little things, and are compelled to act on them because they have already rationalized their feelings. It is THUS LOGICAL TO THEM.
Only when an alpha male with a strong enough frame; reality comes up and leads the way for her that she will come to respect him, herself because through him she will come to understand herself better.
Women test men all the time unconsciously or consciously because they are looking to find this man. This man that is so strong within his frame, so sure of himself that they cannot help but be sucked into it.
They test you to see how strong you REALLY are.
Can you take care of them?
Can you lead them?
Can you take care of the family?
Or will you lead them into even more chaos than they already are in?...
Another Why We're In the Game Post
Pour de l'inspiration, va sur le site et lis la section LUST. C'est terrible! J'en ai lu une bonne vingtaine et puis plus de 80% sont des confessions de femmes qui ont trichés sur leurs hommes ou ont pensé sérieusement le faire. Des vraies créatures émotionnelles! Et puis ce que je lis des gars c'est genre des trucs AFC a l'os, genre stalker. Et puis c'est CA que j'ai vénéré depuis tout ce temps?? C'est sérieusement dégeulasse honnêtement, j'ai presque envie d'en vomir... Va lire les posts qui ont dessus, c'est pas croyable.
Ca m'a amené à réaliser ma vraie valeur et que je me suis désilusionné toutes ces années. EUREKA!
From confession site 12/20/2005 at 12:38:23
Lover ou provider??
What The Fuck?? Bitch jvais te tuer laisse chose tranquille!!
Melinda??? Est-ce que c'est bien toi??
Et maintenant au tour des gars!!!1
C'est tu juste moi ou il y a un pattern qui ressort? Les filles sont cochonnes et n'ont aucune morale quand il s'agit de dormir avec quelqu'un qui a déja un chum/mari/fiancé... Pis les hommes sont des AFCs.
Et pour la finale, tambours SVP!!11
Ca m'a amené à réaliser ma vraie valeur et que je me suis désilusionné toutes ces années. EUREKA!
From confession site 12/20/2005 at 12:38:23
Even though I was far from being a virgin, I refused to have sex (even oral) with my husband for the entire year that we were dating and engaged. I fell for him right away and I knew he was the man I wanted to marry, but I wanted him to pass the long celibacy test to prove his love for me before I could truly give him my heart. But I'm such a horny girl I could never go without sex for more than a few days. So the whole year that my husband to be was taking cold showers I was secretly sowing my wild oats with other guys. I feel most guilty about two times in particular. The night he proposed to me I was so happy and of course I said "yes" but as soon as he dropped me off at my apartment I had an ex-boyfriend over and we did it all night. The other time was our wedding day. I scheduled a professional in-home massage for myself that morning to help with wedding day jitters. But when the masseuse turned out to be a hot guy instead of a lady I seduced him. He was well endowed and he spent the whole morning reaming my pussy while I came so many times I lost count. I was so sore I could hardly walk and had to tell everyone at the wedding I was limping because I pulled a groin muscle doing aerobics. I have been faithful to my husband since the wedding eight months ago. But he is a poor lover and has a short, slender penis. I have had to fake every orgasm with him. Honeymoon sex is supposed to be the best but for me it was terrible--though I pretended to love it. I kept the business card of the hot masseuse and have twice since the wedding picked up the phone to call him--but backed out at the last second. I love my husband a lot and despite the lousy sex would never leave him or intentionally hurt him. He is the kindest, gentlest man and will make a great father to our kids one day. But I am desperate for a good pounding from a well-hung man. I think it's only a matter of weeks...
Lover ou provider??
12/20/2005 at 03:44:16
I'm seeing this guy. Well. not really. And I hate him. Oh god I hate him so much. He's so irritating, he pisses me off all the time. But I keep him around. Because he buys me things.
What The Fuck?? Bitch jvais te tuer laisse chose tranquille!!
12/19/2005 at 21:20:40
I saw my brother's best friend naked today. He stayed over here last night (I am temporarily sharing a place with my brother) and I guess they thought I wasn't home, because when his friend went to the shower, he didn't bother getting dressed. He doesn't know I saw him, nor does he know I went back to my room and masturbated thinking about his obscenely long cock and huge balls. I would have blown him if my brother hadn't been around.
Melinda??? Est-ce que c'est bien toi??
12/19/2005 at 20:08:35
I lost my virginity when I was 19 to a total asshole that I had known only a week or so. Then there was the married guy I worked with, we fucked when his wife went out of town. I gave him a blowjob once while she was passed out drunk in the bed next to him. It was the best sex I've had. Next there was another guy I worked with... he had a girlfriend. Then there was the guy I gave a blowjob to in my friends living room. I never found out his last name. Then their was my friends neighbor I fucked last time I was on vacation. She said she could hear us through the apartment wall. Then there was the latest one. My boss. I liked him the moment I met him... and I still do. But theres always you... the only person I've ever said "I love you" to and trully meant it. But you live 2000 miles away. Why didn't we fuck last time I was on vacation? When we both wanted to so badly? And why the fuck are you still seeing her even though you know it breaks my heart?
12/19/2005 at 19:36:49
I have loved a married man for over a year. I can't continue with this. I lust for him and want him to touch me, lick me, stroke me, fuck me. But he has a wife, a family. My own marriage ended because my ex went carousing on his own and I hated the bitch who took him away. Now I'm the hypocrite, taking on the bitch role. I love his touch. I've never before felt the feelings I get when we make love. And yet if I continue with this, I'll go crazy. Damn morals!
12/19/2005 at 11:53:03
I have had a boyfriend for about 4 months now. He was also my high school sweetheart years ago. We live about 3 hours away from each other and only see each other about every 2 weeks. When I'm not with him, I hang out with another one of my exes pretty often, and I lie to my boyfriend about it. He buys me slutty things, and I wear them for him and prance around and keep the things at his apartment so my boyfriend doesn't find them. I don't cheat on him, although we did have a frisky makeout session once, and he takes me out to dinner and we hold hands and do things only couples do. I tell my boyfriend all the time that I love him and want to be with him forever, but I'm not so sure about that, and I know it would just break his heart if he only knew.
12/20/2005 at 16:08:35
You never gave me an orgasm in the 5 months I was with you... even though I said you did.
12/20/2005 at 05:34:28
I was in the perfect relationship with my childhood best friend we wanted to spend the rest of our lives to gether... until he broke up with me ... and the next day I slept with another guy... then I was so digusted in myself I told my then ex boyfriend... I couldnt' hold this from him I loved him so much... it didn't go down to well. This stupid act of lust has ruined my reltaionship with my best friend, ruined my reputation... and ruined my life. I'm just so sorry to everyone I've hurt.
Et maintenant au tour des gars!!!1
12/19/2005 at 23:21:54
I told her we will be just friends, and she says that we will never have a chance to be "us" again, but I am gonna keep my hope that there still a chance alive, because I love her to death, and I'd give anything to be with her again. I miss her so much...
12/19/2005 at 23:36:46
I don't know where this goes but... I have this problem. Girls seem to think I'm weird no matter what. And when I'm trying to get one to be my girlfriend, she ends up not wanting me because I'm so weird. I don't know what's wrong with me though, what's weird. I believe I'm perfectly normal. But then again, I dream about fucking my classmate every night. She knows I want her, but I don't know if it's vice versa.
12/20/2005 at 02:48:51
I worked at this condo once as what they called a "courtesy patrol," whatever that means. It was the world's most boring job, so I went in to some of the hottest female tenant's apartments while they were out and sniffed their panties.
C'est tu juste moi ou il y a un pattern qui ressort? Les filles sont cochonnes et n'ont aucune morale quand il s'agit de dormir avec quelqu'un qui a déja un chum/mari/fiancé... Pis les hommes sont des AFCs.
Et pour la finale, tambours SVP!!11
12/18/2005 at 18:26:46
I hate the fact that you're such a wuss. God damn it, make a freaking move already! I love you.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Into Inner Game (BadBoy)
Cet article parle de INNER GAME... Sa simplicité. L'impact qu'elle a sur nos interactions de tous les jours, au travail, avec nos amis, les femmes. INTÉRESSANT.
Into Inner Game
By BadBoy
We all know how important INNER game is. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself what this inner game actually is? Is it when I memorized material very well or when I perfected the delivery of my voice?
Inner game is based on confidence, attitude and beliefs in your life in general. Your attitudes toward life are going to be projected to the women you talk to, and they will attract her to you. That is how most naturals get laid. They developed these three aspects of their identity (confidence, attitude and beliefs), they begin to feel more confident, they start to behave like a prize, and that's exactly what attracts women.
I enjoy analyzing these ideas, and I recently found something crazy below the surface. People in general love leaders, especially women. We all know why: they live in their own world, they radiate with confidence, they know what they want, etc. Now I am going to teach you how to become a leader, how to make people follow you, love you, respect you... These steps are the some basic ones you need to lead a successful life.
Yes, I am only 25 years old, but what I have lived through, you cannot even imagine. I believe I learned a lot in these 25 years (possibly more wisdom than the average Joe collects in his entire lifetime).
The first observation is that charisma does not exist. People do not know how to describe something that no one actually "has," so they call the effect "charisma" or say that they believe this guy is a charismatic person. If you observe charismatic people, you see that they actually have one big quality in common. They have a strong frame where they live, and their frame is so strong that people are sucked into their reality and frame of reference. Everything they do reflects an ultra-strong frame, that operates by his own reality and rules. They also have a lot of rules that you must follow when you are around them. They treat themselves with a lot of respect. They do not tolerate any disrespect; in fact they punish it.
You can apply these characteristics to your own life. They are actually core lessons for living succesfully on this planet. Let's take respect, for example: How do you ensure that the people around you show respect for you and your work? First start to respect yourself and your work too. When you start to respect yourself completely, other people will also respect you. If you don't respect yourself, why in the world will anyone else respect you? If you treat yourself like shit, trust me, other people will also because you are sending them a strong signal that that is just what you are.
Next, what you must accomplish is develop a set of rules in your life. What people can and cannot do around you or to you. Punish any negative behavior you don't like. Tell them, for God's sake, and make it crystal clear, that they cannot behave like that. Kick their asses for it. Make them know they did something that you don't respect. People are like sheep. You must tell them what they can do, and what they can't. If they treat you like shit at the office, at home or on the street and you do nothing, of course they will do it again and again. Other people will treat you like a monkey if you let them. Make personal boundaries for yourself, and make it clear to the people around you that you have them.
When they bring a new elephant to the zoo, of course the animal is going to try to escape, break through the fence or whatever it can do to try to get out. But it is funny to realize that elephants have a really interesting memory. They memorize all the negative experiences that happened during their lifetime and just the negative ones. They don't remember the positive experiences nearly as well as the negative ones. (Some humans are the same.) So there is electricity (low voltage) around the fence, and it is funny how the elephant is going to burn his ass just once in his life and never again because he knows what happened when he tried to escape. He is aware of the consequences. That is exactly what you must do in your life, and especially with women. They must always know how far they can go. For example, if my girlfriend flakes on me, of course I will be pissed off, but I will show her that I am angry , and will calmly state that this time was the last she ever did it. For everything that she does that I do not like, I tell her she can do it only 3 times: the first time, the last time and never again!
My rules are strict. People will enjoy the time they spend with me. I will do everything for their happiness in life. I will teach them and have fun with them, but there are some rules you must follow, otherwise you won't see me ever again.
I have options, I can do all this with somebody else. Even if you don't have other options, let it look like you do. Behave like you do. I am going to do everything for my girls. I love them and will treat them like a queen, but as long as I think they deserve it. It is funny to see how women call me a jerk, when I stick to my rules, and let them live by them. Of course I am going to make them feel it when they try to disrespect my rules. I think that is the only way for a living creature on this planet to understand what it is allowed to do and what is strictly forbidden.
Take a look at the police. They have strict rules. Break them and you get punished. They play with your feelings, and trust me, you won't make the same mistake again in your life if you screw around with the police. I want you to do the same in your own life. Let people around you know what is allowed, and what is not. Otherwise nobody is going to respect you. It is funny, but people will test you from time to time to see if you are still congruent with your frame. That is why I say that "shit tests" do not exist. Those are not tests as long as you are simply congruent with your frame. Women will challenge you all the time when you are seducing them, and then later on in a relationship. That is normal behavior.
My best friend has this cute little dog. The pet knows that it is not allowed to sleep on the sofa because he got his ass kicked a few times, and still months later he comes near the sofa with his cute little look. He glances at the sofa, then his owner, the sofa, the owner, just waiting for a reaction. He might even put one leg close to the sofa, the whole time looking at his owner. What the dog is actually doing is testing his owner to see if he is still congruent with his rule about sleeping on the sofa. Is he going to allow him to jump on the sofa or is he going to yell at him? The dog is not shit testing his owner, just making sure he is still congruent. Children will test you in the same way. Every couple of days or even hours, they will challenge you to see if the rules have not weakened or changed. You can see this behavior everywhere in nature.
Now, let's get back to charismatic people. Funny, but the more rules they used to have, and the more they punished those who broke those rules, the more charismatic you are. Negative examples, like Hitler, and positive examples like Christ, Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and Martin Luther King.
These leaders issue commands and demand unquestioning loyalty. Challenging their ideas is strongly condemned and often leads to some type of emotional or physical punishment. With women, you give them pleasure and show them a really nice time when they are with you, but then punish any negative behavior or disrespect from her.
The first step toward developing confidence, attitude and beliefs is to start respecting yourself! If you have ever gone out with me in the last few months, you will notice something really unusual: as soon as I go into a set, I am not sucked into their frame. I do not live in their world. You will see that they live in my world. How do you see this? When I approach a set or any group of people, I don't position myself so the whole group can hear me. I don't try to yell so the whole group can hear me. First I position myself in the most comfortable position, where I feel the most relaxed, and then I reorganize the other people around me the way I like. For example, I approach them, have them open up to me, sit down, use the space around
me to make myself comfortable, and then I might position three girls to talk to eachother, and take the target to talk with me. Probably you can understand that this behavior is not something I modelled or learned, but it is something that is part of who I am for a long time.
I really can't stand people who have a weak frame. For example, I hate to see guys fall into a situation like this: The guy sits in a chair, maybe one that is totally uncomfortable like the letter S, and he stays there for hours, pretending he is relaxed there without saying a word about it. He would sit there no matter what because the chair is more important than who he is. It is more important than his health or his body... sad. Why the fuck should I be in some uncomfortable position when I talk with some average frustrated woman. What the fuck is she for me?
You will always see me in the most comfortable position you can imagine while I am in a set or anywhere in life. Why? For a few reasons: You can't be nervous when you are in a relaxed position. You will feel cool. People will see you as a really cool guy, and most important, your voice is going to be deeper, more relaxed, so that people will start to lean in to hear you. If you drop your voice down when they can't hear you, they will start to lean in and pay more attention to your lips in order to understand what you are saying. Looking at someone's lips for ten minutes is really sexual. In the next few days I will post a few exercises for improving your voice on my forum, Playboy Central:
Carpe Diem.
Field Report inspirant de chariot
La raison pourquoi je le poste aussi c'est parce que j'ai joué un role-playing similaire et je cherchais justement une facon d'améliorer mon approche la prochaine fois. C'est exactement ce que je recherchais... NICE!
topic: LR: The hometown phantom menace (1 of 13)
board: Field Reports
from: chariot / profile / recent posts by chariot
(first login: December, 18, 2002 02:38 AM)
date: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 07:03 PM
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hey guys,
so im back in my hometown after the lazy tripdeluxe over the world RSD tour. In that eight months of straight going out my skillset well, has gone up big as you have seen. A fresh new LR every week. Im big on one night stands right now. When every night you can go out and are DANGEROUS to the point where you can choose and sleep with a new girl at will... would you still be needing a girlfriend? honestly?
anyway back to the hometown. Damn! what am I doing here? its dead compared to where ive been hanigng out lately. Weird feeling I cant explain when I go out here now... its like I have to hold back because this is my hometown - I dont want to piss people off because the poeple in this town talk. Like a lot of "Thats the pick up guy" and all that - I dont want to deal with it... but then - Tonight I said FUCK YOU. Yes. I am the pick up guy... the guy that has already turned your mum and your sisters and your girlfriends head... so lay back... watch and learn from the Phantom is... menace.
To the girls!
SO I head out with my friends to the regular nightspot... Its packed with a cockfarm. Another AFC mate approaches me and says "Wanna be my wingman?" hahah. Ummm yeah but im shy.
I teach him the Pear shaped head opener and he changes it to a FAN shaped head - ahahahahaha. Lovely.
A cutie rolls by so I run the usual:
chariot: "Hey - would you date a man with a FAN shaped head. Like it starts like a V at the bottom and fans out like this (demonstrating)."
HBcutie: "haha - umm yeah ok"
Here is the key part - use other people to your advantage... this is a big thing that people with good frame control do. They use everyone in the set as pawns to their advantage.
chariot: "So hey (grabbing girl) did you know that me and her were together back six months ago???"
this is to my AFC friend - who says "Oh really" BANG he is in my frame... and I have the value.
HBcutie: "Yeah we were soulmates"
chariot: "Yeah but she became too needy so I had to throw her out the door"
HBcutie: (slap)
chariot; "But now ive seen her out and im finding her attractive all over again... OMG..." I move in and kiss her right next to her ear - no resistence - its very on. for sex.
We play in that plotline for a while... her friends come up and we tell them we are married... one of their friends tells my girl "she knows about me and doesnt like me" because she has heared about my adventures with girls from around the traps...
My girl doesnt care - shes fixated. I tell her to run along with her friends and she gets all sad and decides to blow them off for me.
We then play a game where we find a suitable partner for my AFC friend. So im grabbing random girls left and right (with cutie on my arm) and saying "Hey! so do you know my friend AFC???"... my girl is crawling all over me as I do this.
I have random girls come up at me through the night that havent seen me for a while (because ive been away) so more value is built. Chodes come up and talk to cutie - I just look around all bored and about to leave and she grabs me and starts pulling me in...
At this point I bust out a new thing I made up on the fly (ummm wait a sec... most of my stuff is on the fly these days!)
chariot: "So, honey, I have to tell you something... its a secret ive been keeping from our relationship" (ive known this girl for all of an hour)
HBcutie: "What is it?"
chariot: "Ummm. Its hard for me to say this but we really need to work through it together" (building it up)
chariot: "I cheated on you"
HBcutie: "Oh my god no!"
chariot: "Seven times"
HBcutie: "SEVEN - OH NO!"
chariot: "Yeah, Im so sorry... it was all of your friends."
Here I grab her in hard pressing right up against her and rub her head saying in her ear "Shhhhhh its ok baby... our sex is still a lot better... Shhhhh"
I point out all her friends in the club and say "Yep her too"
We play along with this for a while... haha... you gotta love plotlines like these.
So anyway later I venue change her... we are super physical but havent made out yet - I like to hold this off to build tension. I come up with some more funny plotline shit.
HBcutie: "So your a cheater! when else did this happen!?"
chariot: "Well... remember when me and my friend went camping with his girlfriend"
HBcutie: "Ohh NO!"
chariot: "Wait, hear me out... so heres the story... My friend went to look for wood. Then his girlfriend just stripped off naked and jumped in the river for a skinny dip. Now I am a social guy - I didnt want to make her feel left out. So I got naked and we had an innocent little swim. Then a shark came and chased her... so I grabbed her like this (grabbing cutie hard)... and picked her up like this... (picking up cutie in the spread legged sex position)... and ran out of the water... but then all the rubbing against each other got me excited - so she started thrusting on top of me...
HBcutie: "Like this!?" Thrusting me.
chariot: "Yep like that"
HBcutie: " But you still cheated - I would NEVER do that to you!"
chariot: "Shhhh"
I then makeout with her - in the middle of the club - with her friends watching.
Cutie tells me she is getting turned on: I ask if she can cook. Yep. She tells me her parents have gone away for five weeks... haha - cool. I say well cook me some food... but dont get any ideas remember we are not having sex for a month!
We catch a taxi back to hers... nice nice place. She cooks me pancakes and everything escalates nicely... I phantom out later when she starts sleeping (she has no ph number or any way to contact me)...
Phantom is ... strikes again.
Now the phantom must be careful in this town. Phantoming isnt as potent when all the girls go to the same venue every weekend.
Oh well - will be interesting the fights and stuff I get into around here in the next few weeks. The guy that pulls a new girl every week.
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