Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Rules For Winging

The Rules for Winging
Thursday, December 19 2002 @ 11:11 HKT
Contributed by: veroxii
Views: 403

ArticlesEddy posted an article on mASF about the rules or "etiquette" if you will of sarging with a wing.

Looking back, this kind of thing has fucked up many of our sarges before. Especially if you open a set, and your wing comes in and simply "takes over". Not good... very bad karma... :-)

It's easy to forget these and lose sight of them while in the moment, but really we should always try to follow these:

1. NEVER go in a set with your wing, unless it's a 3+ set.

2. DO NOT compete for attention with main guy, let HIM be the MAN.

3. 3 second rule applies when winging. Do not stand still like a puppet, get into the conversation fast.

4. Isolate/occupy obsticle right after getting into the set.

5. Have some sort of secret code for ejecting, closing, switching...etc.

6. DO NOT EJECT before your main man closes. This is important. Sometimes it means you need to take a bullet for your bro, so be it.

7. Always agree with what the main man says, since he is the guy running the show. DO NOT disagree with him under no circustances. Disagreeing with the main guy would take away his alpha status and also makes him look like he is lying to get chicks (not good).

8. Do not close before communicating to your wing first. Sometimes it's easier to close at the same time. Think about it. Suggest somewhere you can all go as a group. Once you are out of the club setting, the game is much much easier (Game over).

9. This is a corollary to 7. Keep everything positive, except when negging. Don't get talking about the invasion of Iraq, or your mother's hemerroids, or whatever, even when you are occupying a UG obstacle who you wouldnt close in a million years, and even if you think it's the most interesting thing in the world when she brings it up. Sarge her, even if you have to hold your nose to do it. Talk about feelings, talk about fun, excitement, good body feelings, and always steer things in a positive direction if she brings up something negative. You've gotta keep the mood of the whole group positive. Of course, this applies whether you're alone or with a wing.

10. Be aware of how you can position your body to create the best separation between the obstacle and your main man's target.

For some examples on how to do this, go read the original article.

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